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Winter weddings around Christmas are full of charm: here are the flowers to choose for the bouquet

Here are the flowers to choose for the

Winter weddings are full of magic. Many may think that flowers can be a problem but, instead, it is possible to create wonderful bouquets even in the middle of winter. In this article we will see several examples

Up until a few years ago, the favorite season to get married was spring. But times have changed: it is increasingly fashionable to get married even in the middle of summer, in autumn and even in winter.

Winter weddings around Christmas are full of charm

Getting married in the middle of winter, perhaps just under the Christmas and New Year holidays, has great charm. It’s about a very original choice which allows future spouses to organize a reception different from the usual. Starting from the location: instead of farmhouses and residences with parks and gardens where to set up the buffet, the warm atmosphere of the rooms of a romantic castle you hate an ancient villaperhaps warmed by the flames of a suggestive fireplace.

The menu will certainly also change, which will be full of invigorating courses full of flavour. Not to mention, then, thebride’s dress who certainly won’t be able to stutter from the cold for the whole day! Candid stoles and soft fur coats white will be the essential accessories to make her look like a Snow Queen!

Candid stoles and soft white fur coats will be the basic

And what about the decorations? Instead of the canonical soft pastel colors, you can take advantage of the classics Christmas themes characterized by gold, red and greenpine branches and mistletoe with red berries.

For the games and music with which to entertain guests, you can always take a cue from the end-of-year parties, for example by organizing a bingo that will involve everyone.

Which flowers to choose

In short, what can I say, there is no doubt that winter weddings around Christmas are full of charm. But, for the flowers, however, how do we put it? In spring and summer you are spoiled for choice. During the cold months, however, the possibilities are slim. Surely, this is what many are led to think. Still, there are so many beautiful ideas to create bridal bouquet lovely and very originals.

First of all, it is important to focus on strong chromatic shades, such as Emerald, burgundy, red and blue, to be mixed with neutral tones and more delicate. Well also the sophisticated choice to focus everything on White.

You can bet everything on

Having said that, let’s see below some compositions to take as a starting point for inspiration.

  • Roses, astilbe and eucalyptus leaves;
  • olive branches, roses, anemones, astilbe and astrantia;
  • yellow roses, zinnias, cream dahlias, proteas and dry branches of carob;
  • roses, dahlias, cockscombs, celosia;
  • buttercups, daffodils and wallflowers;
  • prunus leaves, roses, hydrangeas, lysianthus, astrantia;
  • white astilba, astrantia, white hypericum and buvardi.
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