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Wissing accuses climate activists of “radicalization in word and deed”.

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung

Osnabruck (ots)

Wissing accuses climate activists of “radicalization in word and deed”.

Minister of Transport warns against strengthening “extremist parties” through climate protection with a crowbar – specifications for transport and construction contain “social explosives”

Osnabruck. Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing has warned the climate protection movement of a threat to social peace. “The radicalization of the activist scene in word and deed worries him,” said the FDP politician in an interview with the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ, Saturday edition). On the way to climate neutrality, people must be taken along instead of being excluded through bans and price increases.

The CO2 emission targets that the previous government set for individual sectors in addition to the Paris process contain “social explosives,” Wissing warned. In construction and housing, rapid emission reductions would force millions of households to upgrade their gas heaters, move or sit out in the cold, the minister said. And in traffic it would also result in restrictions and bans. “Both would lead to massive upheavals, strengthen extremist parties, damage democracy and thus not help climate protection.”

A few days ago, Fridays for Future spokeswoman Luisa Neubauer accused Wissing of failing to protect the climate and asked him to resign. “I would like the younger generation in particular to get involved constructively with ideas on how we can ensure cohesion and protect the climate,” Wissing told the NOZ. He himself thinks about it every day and is working on good solutions, said the minister, referring to the 9 and 49 euro tickets, the ramp-up of e-mobility and the expansion of the railways. “However, there is no such thing as a lever that you could simply flip.”

The link to the interview:

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