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With campaign rhythm, Garro toured neighborhoods of La Plata together with Ritondo

the quartermaster Julio Garro and the president of the bloc of PRO Deputies, Christian RitondoThey were in Villa Elisa, where security cameras were installed to combat insecurity. “So far in our management, we have already installed more than 1,200 video surveillance cameras at strategic points that are monitored 24 hours a day from the Operations and Monitoring Center,” said the mayor of the Buenos Aires capital.

And he added “this is a year where we have to be more together than ever, strengthen unity to show Argentines that we are the alternative that is needed to change the history of our country and our province.”

“Insecurity is one of the main claims of residents throughout the Province. The setback of the Kicillof administration in this matter is enormousfrom the fight against drug gangs to the fight against crime in all its forms, the abandonment of the neighbors is total,” said the pre-candidate for Governor for the province of Buenos Aires.

And he remarked, “That is why it is so important that the municipalities invest in this type of works that contribute a lot to the fight against crime,” he said and added: “When we took over the Security portfolio in the administration of María Eugenia Vidal, thanks to a committed team and the political decision of President Macri and Governor Vidal, we were able to reduce homicides in the province by 36% and dismantle gangs that operated with total impunity in the territory, be it drug trafficking or asphalt piracy until of kidnappings for extortion”.

The mayor and the deputy also toured the pavement work that is advancing on 453 street from 30 to 135, this aims to provide greater road safety for drivers and connect the towns of City Bell, Villa Elisa, Los Porteños and El Rincón, in the north area.

“Everything is work that we did for 4 years, and it was abandoned by the Kicillof management, we are going to resume it to bring peace of mind to people who can no longer live in fear,” the mayor concluded.

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