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With full energy into the new year

©City of Bludenz

Bludenz. The city of Bludenz invited to the New Year’s reception in the city hall of Bludenz and this invitation was accepted by more than 200 people.

A review of the past year was given in the festive setting.

“We welcome the new year together and look forward to the challenges ahead. “Full of energy into the new year!” was both the motto of the city’s New Year’s reception and the motto with which the Alpine town started the working year 2023,” said Mayor Simon Tschann happily.

Looking back on the past year in the Alpine town was marked by many challenges and milestones. And we can also look forward to innovations and major projects in the coming year. In addition to State Councilor Christian Gantner, who delivered greetings from the State of Vorarlberg, guest speaker Gerd Wegeler, designated CEO of Illwerke VKW, addressed the topic of energy supply. A central topic here is also the Lünersee power plant and the expansion of the local heating network for the entire valley basin.

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