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With Garro at the helm, Juntos formed the campaign table to face the FdT

Mayor Julio Garro brought together the different sectors that are part of Juntos La Plata on Thursday to set up the local campaign table and “confront Kirchnerism” in the upcoming elections. In the midst of the strong internal conflict that the coalition is going through, revived by the announcement of the concurrent elections in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), political news was analyzed and the Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory Primaries (PASO) were also discussed. .

The meeting, which took place in a City Bell cafe, brought together leaders from the PRO, the UCR, the CC and Avanza Libertad and served to review the axes of municipal management and talk about political, economic and electoral news. Different pre-candidates for mayor such as Daniel Lipovetzky, Julio Irurueta and Bárbara Drake were present, as well as provincial and national legislators, as well as the block of councilors of Juntos de La Plata.

“All the speakers highlighted the value of the meeting, that while they could have differences and even with the possibility of competing in the PASO, no one doubted or speculated to sit down and testify to the guarantee of union in JvC and that the important thing is to overcome the serious economic, social and insecurity situation in the country and the region”, Juntos spokespersons explained.

The PASOs were the subject of debate on the coffee table under the internal fort that runs through Juntos. In this sense, there were some voices in favor of the statements of former deputy Emilio Monzó – who is working on the territorial assembly of presidential candidate Patricia Bullrich – to avoid inmates at the provincial and local level where he governs today Together to avoid dispersion. “Here the risk of the intern is to be below the Frente de Todos and end up losing the municipality,” spokespersons for the meeting synthesized. And they added: “That is the absolute priority.”

Despite the differences that separate them, there were coincidences between the leaders in working on the continuity of Juntos La Plata in the face of this electoral contest to give battle to the sectors of Peronism and Kirchnerism that want to govern the city again.

“There was a commitment to systematize this type of meeting, taking special care in the need to continue providing the management with the tools and militancy that allow the transformations to reach each of the residents of our city,” the JxC spokespersons closed after the meeting.

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