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With more than 50 registered momos, the expectation for the burning of dolls grows

The tradition of New Year’s Eve dolls in La Plata continues and more than fifty momos are being built in different corners of the city, where the new generations keep burning the flame of a custom that grew among lime trees and diagonals and became an emblem of La Plata identity. A few days before the arrival of 2023, the Commune reported that so far 56 structures have been registered, exceeding the number registered at the end of last year; all of which will compete for outstanding prizes.

The end of the year dolls have been an exclusive hallmark of La Plata for more than 60 years and each one of them evokes personal and family experiences, memories of friends and a mixture of emotion and nostalgia for the past in the neighbors.

According to the local authorities, in the next few hours there will be talks and safety training to ensure that the festivities are carried out responsibly and controls will be carried out to determine that each and every doll complies with current regulations. .

From Thursday to Saturday at 11:59 p.m., residents will be able to choose the New Year’s Eve doll winner of this edition through online voting on the social networks of the Municipality and the Ministry of Culture and Education. The winners will get a financial incentive that will help them keep the tradition alive next year.

“That is the spirit, that is the tradition of families and neighborhoods, of those who did not need anything or anyone to realize their dream other than wood, paper, newspaper, paint and friends. That is what we want to reward “, said the secretary of Culture and Education of the commune, Martiniano Ferrer Picadoand added: “We enjoy being part of one of the oldest traditions of the city, rooted in the memory of all the people of La Plata. For this reason, as in the last 3 years, we also want to reward those dolls that emerge from the heart of every corner of the city, maintaining this tradition as the origin of its birth: a popular demonstration of creativity, ingenuity and teamwork”.

In this way, Distinctions will be given in the categories “Scenography”, “Creativity”, “Completion”, “Idea” and the prize that represents everyone: “The voice of the Dolls (Radio Vértice)”. The jury will be made up of emerging doll makers who vote to choose the winners of the six awards and trophies and diplomas will be awarded. The first place will get $150 thousand pesos, the second $100 thousand, the third $50 thousand and the fourth $30 thousand.


The Municipality reported that this Thursday CPR training will be given, talks with firefighters to handle the fire and the dolls will also be inspected in conjunction with EDELAP to verify that there are no electrical risks for the burns. “We want there to be balances, that tradition be maintained, but with an order, without complaints from the neighbors, without hurting people, without bothering others, without the illegal sale of fireworks or alcoholic beverages. Last year the controls were severe for avoid overflows in the post-pandemic, and those who failed to comply have been charged with violations,” the authorities emphasized in the Coexistence and Citizen Control area.

“In this administration, we are clear that the rights of all residents must be protected so that the fun is peaceful and no one is harmed. That is the balance we seek with all the measures and precautions we are taking, and we are very happy for the predisposition manifested by the large number of registered people”, added the specialists and concluded: “We are committed to giving strength to this tradition, but we understand that caring for artistic expression means creating cordial environments, and we are sure that we are moving in the correct path and that is why new generations of puppet makers are emerging in all neighborhoods”.


It is important to remember that the tradition of the end of the year momos will have a new feature in 2022, since the Municipality authorized the provisional and one-time installation of non-alcoholic food and beverage stalls by the creators to cover expenses . “We seek to regularize this type of event so that the organizers can generate resources in order to cover the expenses of the doll,” they explained in the Commune.

At par, the Municipality launched a digital platformfrom which you can see the progress, location and color contents of each structure. Through it, it seeks to promote tourist visits and enhance local culture.

In another order, and with the aim of revaluing this classic from La Plata, the Municipality ordered the creation of the “Museo del Muñeco”, an itinerant space that will tour the neighborhoods of the city so that everyone can enjoy workshops, samples, exhibitions and different activities tending to reconstruct the history of this tradition. Finally, Starting in February, workshops will be launched in the different neighborhoods, which will be provided by the doll makers themselves, who will become teachers at the Workshop School to teach the trade and expand the tradition in order to continue transferring it to the new generations..

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