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With parakeet! This was the “Crazy Hairstyle” of this minor on Children’s Day

When in Mexico arrives at Children’s Day, The schools normally carry out activities or contests and as the years go by these change and the parents still participate, as in this campus where they do the ‘hairstyles crazy‘.

However, this time, a mother took the competition to another level because this time she put her parakeet for his son to wear in his hair.

From The Truth Newswe are going to let you know what the impact was and how this hairstyle and this parakeet went viral.

Take the parakeet to his school

The parakeet was placed after assembling the cage in his hair

These days, parents or guardians of minors on Children’s Day help them make colorful, original and creative hairstyles, but this year, the boy who took his parakeet to school won all the looks on the net social TikTok.

There, the woman showed her ingenuity by using various materials and accessories to create a curious and fun hairstyle for her child.

The video was released through the account of the user @ makeupmarijo242 who shared the video and it went viral because she joked while doing her hairstyle at dawn because she had never seen anything similar.

In the clip called “The best cage hairstyle”, and in it, the woman put aside the use of elements such as glitter, paint and toys, because she also used grids to assemble the cage and put a toothpick so that the animal was there .

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Internet reactions to the hairstyle

With parakeet! This was the “Crazy Hairstyle” of this minor on Children’s Day

The reactions on TikTok and on the internet in general did not wait, because before the scene shown in the clip that went viral, many users said things like: “I think we are already taking crazy hairstyles to the extreme”, “all saying that He’s already won and I’m thinking about the smell it’s going to bring when the little bird shits”, “The little bird: Earning my birdseed but at what cost”.

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