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With the polls ready, eight provinces will elect governor in May

Elections for governor, provincial legislators, mayors and even constituents, are some of the decisions that voters in the interior of the country will have to make in a month of May full of elections.

There are eight provinces that will define their new governors during the first two weekends of the month. In turn, in Jujuy and La Rioja, those in charge of reforming their provincial constitutions will also be elected.

Jujuy, Misiones and Mendoza will begin this electoral May on Sunday the 7th. In the first one, the current governor Gerardo Morales (UCR) launched his presidential candidacy, so the space of him, Cambia Jujuy will seek to maintain the governorship at the hands of the Minister of Finance, Carlos Sadir, as a candidate.

While the candidates for governor of the Jujuy opposition will be for the Justicialista Front, the provincial deputy and president of the local PJ Rubén Armando Rivarola; for the Unity Front for Jujuy -also aligned with the FdT- the provincial deputy Juan Cardozo Traillou; for the Left Front and Workers Unit (FIT-U) the national deputy Alejandro Vilca; for the Jujuy Tiene Futuro Front, -a sector of local Peronism- the former university rector Rodolfo Tecchi; for the VIA Front + Libertarios Cecilia García Casasco will be the candidate and finally for Labor Policy Iñaki Aldasoro will present.

In La Rioja, Governor Ricardo Quintela (FdT) will run for re-election in an election in which he will face national deputy Felipe Álvarez (JxC) and Martín Menem, nephew of the former president, candidate of the La Libertad Avanza alliance. In addition, the voters will define eleven provincial deputies, mayors, councilors and 36 conventional constituents.

While in Misiones, also on Sunday the 7th, the citizens will elect a governor, mayors and 20 provincial deputies. There the current governor Oscar Herrera Ahuad will head the list of deputies of the Ronovador de la Concordia Front, which will lead the former president Hugo Passalacqua as a candidate for governor. The missionary opposition will be headed by the formula of Together for Change composed by Martín Arjol. The Fuerza de Todos Front, a space shared by local Kirchnerism and the Agrarian and Social Party, will nominate Isaac Lenguaza. Finally, the Partido Obrero will take the leader of the piquetero movement, Virginia Villanueva.

the second sunday

After having held the primaries in February, on May 14 the province of La Pampa will define its governor, 40 provincial deputies, mayors and councilors. There the current president Sergio Ziliotto (Pampeano Justicialista Front) will go for re-election and will face the national deputy Martín Berhongaray (Together for Change) and the former mayor of Santa Rosa Juan Carlos Tierno who represents his neighborhood party Organized Community.

The people of Salta, through the Single Electronic Ballot system, will elect their next governor, 11 senators and 30 provincial deputies, as well as mayors and councilors. Voters will have a wide range to choose from, with 12 formulas that will seek to win the governorship in a contest in which the current president Gustavo Sáenz will go for re-election with the Gustavo Governor Alliance (United Fronts for Salta, Vamos Salta and País).

The rest of the candidates include ex-lieutenant governor Walter Wayar (Kirchner’s Entre Todos front); the national deputy Verónica Caliva (Salta para Todos) and the former urtubeicista official Lucio Paz Posse (Salta Avanza Con Vos). In addition, these elections will have the participation of the Avancemos front, which presented a formula headed by the national deputy of the Frente de Todos interblock, Emiliano Estrada, accompanied by his peer Carlos Zapata, legislator from the Olmedista Ahora Patria block, member of the Together for Change interblock .

In San Juan they will implement the Democratic Participation System (Sipad) inspired by the Lemas de Lemas, where ten candidates from four groups will seek to win the governorship.

In that province, the ruling party will present itself with two subgroups in Todos por San Juan, one led by Governor Sergio Uñac and the other by the national deputy and former president José Luis Gioja. While the Together Group (exCambiemos) will have four candidates: the national deputy Marcelo Orrego; Marcelo Arancibia from the GEN; the liberal Sergio Vallejos and Eduardo Cáceres from PRO.

In Jujuy and La Rioja they will also elect those in charge of reforming their constitutions

Meanwhile, Milei’s liberals will present Yolanda Agüero from Libertarios; Paola Miers from Roaring for Freedom and Agustín Ramirez from Development and Freedom. While the left united in the Group of Left and Workers with Cristian Jurado.

In Tierra del Fuego, the governor Gustavo Melella, an ally of President Alberto Fernández, will seek his re-election and will face the deputy Héctor Stefani of the PRO and the evangelical pastor Andrea Almirón de Pauli, local representative of Javier Milei’s party.

In Tucumán, the ruling formula will invert their positions and Osvaldo Jaldo and Juan Manzur (FDT) will run for governor and vice, respectively. There they will face the candidate of Together for Change, the deputy Roberto Sánchez and the legislator Ricardo Bussi, candidate of Javier Milei.

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