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With the strength of women and youth we go ahead: Manolo

  • He holds meetings with citizens of Allende, Villa Unión, Sabinas and San Juan de Sabinas.

San Juan de Sabinas, Coahuila; May 3, 2023.- During a tour of the Cinco Manantiales and Carbonífera regions, the candidate for governor of the Citizens’ Alliance for Security, Manolo Jiménez Salinas, stressed that with education and values ​​hand in hand with women and youth, Coahuila will ahead

The PRI-PAN-PRD coalition candidate highlighted that at the start of the second half of the campaign, it is the perfect time to rethink ideas, reflect on the results and continue listening to the public to strengthen the project and continue to maintain preferences. .

“It has been a very proactive and constructive campaign; we have strengthened a great front with the political forces that make up the alliance, but, above all, with the citizens that have joined the project, such as the youth sectors and women,” he said.

He added that the strength of young people and women will promote the development of the entity, for which his government will promote these sectors with programs, works and actions that allow them to have the best opportunities.

He recalled that for youth there will be super scholarships for student, cultural and sports leaders, as well as programs to support entrepreneurship, mental health care and addiction prevention.

Likewise, important justice, employment, education and entrepreneurship programs will be developed for women from Coahuila, as well as an important education and values ​​program for the integral development of families.

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