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With winds allergies can come

Francisco Cordova/El Diario

Thursday, February 23, 2023 | 15:06

Chihuahua, Chih.- This time of the year in which there have been strong gusts of wind that drag all kinds of particles into the air can lead to allergic effects for the population.

This since allergies are exaggerated reactions of the immune system that occur when in contact with certain substances found in the environment such as dust, mites, animals or plants, however they can also be caused by certain foods, insect bites and some drugs.

This was explained by the Public Health Coordinator of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Dr. Brenda Ramírez Vega.

The health professional indicated that allergies can be hereditary, hence the importance of being vigilant in minors to take due precautions and prevent the disease from triggering, generating future complications.

He indicated that among the symptoms experienced by an allergic person are itching, sneezing, redness and inflammation of the affected area.

He also commented that there is a runny nose or more severe disorders such as asthma and respiratory system disorders.

Changes in the skin due to chemical substances in soaps, creams, detergents or some medications, which can cause rashes, reddening of the skin and even some ulcerations that, if not properly treated, can cause further complications, added the doctor.

Therefore, Ramírez Verga issued to take into account the recommendations issued for people diagnosed with allergies.


● Not being in direct contact with allergens (dust, pollen, mites and certain foods, animal hair and some drugs).

● Maintain good hygiene at home

● Avoid using chemicals that trigger allergies

● Stay under medical control; comply with the treatment provided according to each case

● Avoid practicing high-impact exercises during the pollination season

● Change the diet, substituting foods that do not represent a health risk

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