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Withdrawals at the end of 2022 reach an all-time high

Withdrawals at the end of 2022 reach an all-time high

The withdrawals of the afore for unemployment reached the 23 thousand 169 million pesos in all of 2022, so it is the year with the highest accumulated amount since there is a record in the Savings System for the Withdrawal (HE).

The amount is 5.1 percent higher in nominal terms, compared to the amount withdrawn in 2021 of 22 thousand 42 million pesos, according to data from the National Commission of the Retirement Savings System (Consar), collected El Universal.

This happens despite the creation of jobs in the country in 2022. But that more than 345 thousand jobs were also registered.

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During December 2022, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) registered a monthly drop of 345,705 formal jobs, the highest contraction for three years, according to IMSS data.

The unemployment withdrawals of the Afores have been placed as an alternative for workers who have not been able to find a place in the labor market, in addition to the fact that the process has been simplified by the regulator and the administrators, said that editorial house.

Partial withdrawals due to unemployment are a benefit that workers with an Afore account have and which can be exercised once every five years after a period of 46 days in which the dismissal was registered.

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