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Within 24 hours: partners murdered four women in Spain

Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska on Thursday condemned male violence against women as “macho terrorism” in the face of four women who were victims of intimate partner homicides in Spain within 24 hours.

The state will do everything to end these crimes, said Grande-Marlaska after a crisis meeting in Madrid. All police departments in the country have been called on to increase the protection of women and children.

In Spain, the fight against domestic violence is taken very seriously. The courts judge severely and the media report extensively. In Spain there are also special prosecutor’s offices and special courts for this crime.

On Wednesday, a 52-year-old killed his 32-year-old wife near Toledo, who was nine months pregnant by another man, according to the state TV broadcaster RTVE, citing the police. Also on Wednesday, according to police in Madrid, a man stabbed the 20-year-old daughter of his former partner. Another woman was stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend in Bilbao. And in Benidorm on Thursday, a 22-year-old fell from the sixth floor to her death – her boyfriend of the same age was arrested.

The newspaper “La Vanguardia” reported that the number of these crimes rose to a total of ten in December. In three other cases there is a corresponding suspicion.

Last year, according to official figures, 44 women died in the country of 47 million people as a result of violent attacks by their male partners or ex-partners. In Germany in 2021 a total of 109 women were victims of murder and manslaughter in partnerships. (dpa)

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