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Woman accused of murdering her husband

Woman accused of murdering her husband

4 years and 3 months later, Aimee Martínez returns to face justice. The 35-year-old woman is accused of murdering her husband.

According to the police report, on March 10, 2019 at 7:36 in the morning, it was she herself who called 911 saying that she had shot her husband several times in self-defense during a confrontation.

That day Telemundo 51 reported the event and the reactions of a community in southwest Miami Dade shaken by the news.

Those who woke up that morning at the Oasis condominium to the sound of sirens said they were surprised, especially since the homicide was witnessed by the woman’s son.

Osmanny Montano was the victim. His wife, who from the beginning was the main suspect, said that she killed him in self-defense.

But the detectives’ investigation that concluded recently revealed that the woman had killed him inside a room and that she had used a pillow in the middle to shoot him.

The trajectory of the projectiles in the victim’s body, the blood stains and a bullet hole in the closet, do not match the version the woman gave when she was questioned.

In the latest, Martinez was arrested for first degree murder.

This morning in court, the judge did not grant him bail and for now he will remain behind bars pending his sentence.

The forensic report of the man who was married to this woman was decisive for the conclusions that the detectives drew from the case.

They said that it does not agree with the version that she gave during the interviews.

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