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Woman braves the depths and sharks for an impressive modeling shoot

Woman braves the depths and sharks for an impressive modeling shoot

MADRID (EUROPA PRESS) -A woman was photographed challenging not only the depths but also sharks for an impressive modeling session.

In the images, which look like a live-action version of The Little Mermaid, Kimber Kiefer, 44, poses atop shark-infested shipwrecks while wearing stunning dresses that float elegantly in the water alongside her long hair.

An expert at holding her breath, she has also shown that she is not afraid of sharks in these photos taken by her husband, Ken Kiefer, 53, in the Bahamas and Mexico.

Ken, also from Houston, Texas, USA, said: “I’m always blown away by all the things Kimber gets to do during photo shoots like this.

“She has to deal with currents, salt water in her eyes and sinuses, lack of vision, dress and hair management, facial expressions, and all this while holding her breath at the bottom of the ocean! “.

The photographer explained that they decided to take the images to show that sharks are not as dangerous as they are portrayed in the media.

Of the images taken over two years, he said, “We love creating these images to draw attention to the reality of sharks in the face of the hype they are given in movies like Jaws and Sharknado.

“Sharks aren’t puppies by any means, but we’re not their main food source: as long as we don’t act as prey and follow safety guidelines, sharks don’t treat us as such.”

Ken revealed that Kimber holds her breath for a few minutes each round of shooting and is then given air by a safety diver at depths of between 18 and 90 feet.

He added: “Whenever you’re up against wild animals, as well as Mother Nature, you can’t count on everything going according to plan. That makes the times we’re successful that much more satisfying.”

“We love using the images to start conversations with people who have never been around sharks and help them learn about their true behavior.”

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