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World Password Day: from Kolossus they foresee future authentication without using them

On the first Thursday of each month of May, “World Password Day” is celebrated, a date that seeks to make users aware of the importance of maintaining secure passwords, thinking that they are the key to our personal information.

In fact, according to a study by the UK’s National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC), it revealed that 23 million people around the world used the passwords “123456″ and “Qwerty”, showing that many are still unaware of the growing risks of the internet. .

And regarding the advances in this area of ​​technology, the expert in digital transformation, and CEO of the company Colossus ChileMatías Corrales, assures that “in the future, password security is expected to evolve towards new technologies and more advanced security measures, such as passwordless authentication, advanced multifactor authentication, machine learning and behavior analysis, passwords single-use, and stricter regulations and standards.”

Don’t reuse passwords

Remember that reusing or using weak passwords online can compromise the security of your information and lead to problems such as identity theft, loss of sensitive data, phishing attacks, risk of linked accounts, and loss of intellectual property. .

To reduce these risks, it is important to use strong and unique passwords for each online account, and use multi-factor authentication where possible.

Must Have Features

According to experts, passwords to be secure and resistant to possible attacks must necessarily have a length of no less than 8 characters and use a combination of lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and symbols. In addition, they cannot have personal information about the user, such as their name.

On the other hand, the business world must also take care of its passwords, where according to the CEO of Kolossus, “the biggest challenge is to educate users on the correct use of passwords and to take the measures indicated in the newsletters that are sent periodically.

Finally, password managers are good tools that allow you to generate and store unique and complex passwords for each online account, increasing security and making the login process easier.

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