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World Press Freedom Day: Drareni delivers a letter to Tebboune

Yesterday, Wednesday May 3, 2023, the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune presided over a ceremony in honor of journalists at the CIC in Algiers, to celebrate World Press Freedom Day. On this occasion, we saw the journalist and ex-convict Khaled Drareni alongside the Head of State. The journalist who published via his Twitter account, that he had delivered a letter to Tebboune, in his capacity as RSF correspondent in North Africa, asking for the release of imprisoned journalist Ihsane El Kadi.

Indeed, it was in a tweet published yesterday that journalist Khaled Drareni explained his meeting with the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, explaining that “In my capacity as Representative of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in Africa du Nord, today I will be carrying an official letter from my organization to the President of the Republic, in which we will call for the lifting of restrictions, an end to the attacks and the release of Ihsane El Kadi. »

Concluding also that on this occasion a public and institutional plea would be made and in which appears a series of requests and recommendations with regard to the situation of the press in Algeria.

READ ALSO: Tebboune chairs a ceremony for World Press Freedom Day

Khaled Drareni recalls the role of RSF

In addition, the journalist representing RSF in North Africa, posted a new tweet, on this morning of May 4, 2023, recalling that he “represents an NGO defending journalists and freedom of the press. ” But also that when an opportunity arises ” to convey a message centered on this mission, I seize it, to demand the release of our colleagues, Ihsane El Kadi, but also Mustapha Bendjama whose cause we defend tirelessly and with determination. . »

READ ALSO: Verdict in the Ihsane El Kadi case: sentence to 3 years in prison

He also specifies that he respects those who have a different point of view, also recalling that RSF, of which he is the representative, pleads the cause of journalists, denouncing when necessary and not shying away from opportunities to make their voices heard.

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