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World Sleep Day: How many hours of sleep are needed for child growth

If you cannot sleep properly you are part of the 40% of the global population with a sleeping problem. This March 17th is celebrated World Sueño Day promoted since 2008 by the Asociación Mundial de Medicina del Sueño, which aims to create awareness about the importance of sleeping at adequate hours.

according to them Centers for the Control and Prevention of EE Diseases. UU., one out of three Americans don’t sleep enough. In addition, between 50 and 70 million Americans fought with sleep disorders. Until the moment the World Health Organization has identified 88 different types of sleep disordersamong the main ones is insomnia, sleep apnea and narcolepsy.

The insomnia and its classes

  • Short term insomnia: This type of disorder occurs punctually. If we live situations of stress or experiences to which the body has not been exposed before. It is a type of insomnia that does not occur frequently and does not last longer than three weeks.
  • Insomnia due to emotional disorders: Depression, anxiety or panic attacks are some examples of illnesses that can trigger this type of sleep disorder. All of them are characterized by falling asleep late and waking up unexpectedly during the night.
  • Insomnia due to external conditions: Changes in routine, high social activity and even sports can cause this change in sleep. Not only will it affect the rest of the body, but it will also be reflected in slight memory losses and poor management of daily tasks.

According to doctor Viviana González, pediatric endocrinologist at the Hospital de los Valles, sleep disorders are very common in childhood, affecting approximately 5% of children between 6 and 13 years old. However, it is essential to deal with these problems in time, as they can have negative effects on health, growth, cognitive development and behavior.

The specialist González recommends Carefully identify the causes of these sleep disorders to intervene in a timely manner in children’s health. It indicates that there are several factors that cause this problem, among the most common ones are:

  • The excessive use of screens at night (cell phones, television, tablets, etc). Avoid the use of electronic devices with light emission at least two hours before the usual sleeping time.
  • Excessive stimulation before going to sleep, doing exercises or playing, can affect the rest of the child.
  • The anxiety or stress that the child is going through.
  • A food high in sugars or carbohydrates for the scene.
  • Inconsistent sleep routines, when the infant does not have a fixed bedtime.

How long should children sleep?

Minors of all ages benefit physically, mentally and emotionally from an adequate amount of sleep hours. By him, there American Academy of Pediatrics from the United States offers guides for the suggested time of sleep in children:

  • In the first two years of life, 11 to 14 hours a day;
  • Between 3 and 5 years, in 10 to 13 hours;
  • Between 6 and 12 years, 9 to 12 hours a day
  • Between 13 and 18, from 8 to 10 hours.

Advice that will help you sleep better

Avoid heavy food

Heavy meals before going to sleep can produce heavy digestions, so it is recommended to consume foods such as fish, vegetables or purees. In the same way, you have to avoid taking energy drinks or coffee, caffeine can change your sleep. There are studies that reveal that the scene must assume 15% or 20% of the total daily caloric intakethe ideal is to have about three hours before going to bed.

Do not expose yourself to blue light

The blue light that electronic devices emit is not harmful to our health but it is a disruptor of sleep and wakefulness cycles. In a few words it harms the dream because the blue light activates us, makes the brain believe that it’s time to work and you have to keep awake.

Choose a good mattress

Choosing the right mattress is a very important task, which greatly influences both the capacity and the quality of the rest.

Add physical activity to your routine

Regular physical activity helps you sleep better. However, avoid the excess of activity around the time of acostarte. It can also be useful to spend time in free air every day.

read or relax

According to Mayo Clinic, if you find yourself in bed, stressed because you can’t sleep, get up and do something to help you relax. You can read a book that is not very interesting, practice a relaxation technique or concentrate on breathing. (I)

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