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Worried by this AI, Google declares a “red code”

Today, Google dominates the search engine market. Despite the presence of many alternatives, nothing seems to be able to challenge this dominance (even when competitors put forward better privacy protection). However, it seems that a product has finally managed to worry the Mountain View firm which, from now on, would be in “code red”, according to the New York Times.

This product, if you regularly follow tech news, you have certainly already heard of it. This is ChatGPT, the chatbot from OpenAI. At the moment, ChatGPT is still an experimental product. And according to its creator, artificial intelligence, although impressive, is not yet reliable enough to be relied on for serious matters. But later, ChatGPT and similar products may replace Google.

A chatbot that makes Google tremble

As we have mentioned several times, the particularity of ChatGPT is that it is able to answer questions asked by users in a natural way. And he is able to answer complex questions. As we have tested, it is even possible to ask this OpenAI artificial intelligence to write an article (but the result is not yet satisfactory). If this artificial intelligence is a threat to Google, it is because later on, Internet users could ask the chatbot questions to get a real answer, instead of entering queries on Google and getting links to websites.

Moreover, in a previous article, we have already relayed a prediction that in a few years, ChatGPT could replace Google. And apparently, this threat is taken seriously by Google. At least, that’s what is indicated by an article recently published by the New York Times. According to the American newspaper, Google has activated the “red code”, which suggests that the firm perceives the threat as very serious.

Teams mobilized against ChatGPT

Also according to this media, the boss of Google, Sundar Pichai, would have recently chained meetings in order to redefine the strategy of the Internet giant in terms of artificial intelligence. And obviously, Google intends to show its muscles during its next Google I/O event. Indeed, teams within Google’s research, trust and safety departments and other departments are now working on artificial intelligence, pending this conference, which is expected to take place in May 2023.

Google teams would work on a response to ChatGPT, but also on other types of artificial intelligence (including those that generate images from text). A priori, Google should have the means, the expertise and the data to create a real competitor to ChatGPT. Moreover, some technologies used by OpenAI would have been created by Google. But the problem is that Google might be hesitant to deploy such a product for fear that it cannibalizes its search engine, on which advertising revenue depends. On the other hand, Google might also fear that such a product will damage its reputation. Smaller companies, like OpenAI, don’t have that kind of constraint.

Meanwhile, other companies are busy

In any case, Google is not the only one to develop an alternative to ChatGPT, so as not to become obsolete. For example, the search engine Neeva has already announced the development of an artificial intelligence similar to that of OpenAI, in order to beef up its search engine. As a reminder, Neeva is run by Sridhar Ramaswamy, who once ran Google’s advertising arm. Today, he is at the head of a search engine without advertising and for him, the new trend could reshuffle the cards.

“Last year, I was discouraged that it was so difficult to dislodge Google’s iron grip”he said. “But technological moments like this create an opportunity for more competition.”

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