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Would you like a beach holiday?: From May 6th, more trains from Berlin to the Baltic Sea

From May 6th between Berlin and Stralsund more trains will be on the road again. This was announced by the Berlin-Brandenburg transport association on Friday. Specifically, between May 6th and November 5th, an additional train runs from Berlin to Stralsund every Saturday, Sunday and public holiday in the morning and back again in the afternoon or evening.

An additional booster train between Berlin Südkreuz and Prenzlau will be extended to Stralsund. This applies from May 27th to September 30th.

In addition, from May 27 to September 30, an additional trip from Stralsund to Angermünde and back will be offered on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. In Angermünde there is a connection to and from Berlin. (dpa)

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