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Would you like to learn an instrument?

On Friday, May 12, 2023, the youth music group from the Musikverein Feldkirch Nofels is organizing a public youth music rehearsal at the Nofels elementary school.

If you are interested in an instrument, would like to take a closer look at the various instruments that we have or would like to listen to a youth music rehearsal, then come to the rehearsal room of the Musikverein Feldkirch-Nofels on Friday, May 12th at 6 p.m (Basement of the Nofels elementary school).

Our youth workers will provide you with non-binding information about the different instruments, the collaboration with the music school in Feldkirch, our preliminary stage, the Nofler Klötzle, rehearsals for youth music, as well as excursions and performances throughout the year.

All information can also be found at,

The Jugendmusik Feldkirch-Nofels are looking forward to seeing you

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