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Wout van Aert will abandon the Tour de France if his wife gives birth during the race

ANDhe Belgian cyclist Wout van Aert (Jumbo-Visma) arises withdraw from the Tour de Francewhich will be held between July 1 and 23, if your wife gives birth during the race.

“I don’t intend to miss it (the birth),” said the runner, 28, in an interview published by the Belgian newspaper Nieuwsbladabout what would be her second baby.

His wife, Sarah DeBieis in the gestation period although the possible date of delivery is not known exactly.

The Belgian had previously indicated that in this edition of the Tour he would not try to be crowned again with the green jersey regularly as he did last year, where he also took three partial victories and the prize for combativeness, but focus on looking for stage wins.

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