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WWDC 2023: the 6 most anticipated announcements of the next Apple keynote

Like every year, Apple organizes its Worldwide Developer Conference this summer. The event begins on June 5 with an opening keynote where the new products from the Apple firm will be presented with great fanfare. Among these, many software updates are expected in particular. But that’s not all, since material could also be unveiled on occasion.

Below, we take stock of the most anticipated announcements from the live that will be broadcast on YouTube – and right here. Of course, remember that only rumors allow us to try to find out more for the moment, so that these are to be considered with a certain precaution and do not justify an investment thesis.

1 – Reality Pro: THE star of the event

For starters, Apple is expected to unveil its very first virtual and augmented reality headset. This would take the name of Reality Pro and would have an interface incorporating iOS apps like Books, Messages, FaceTime and even Weather. All at 360 degrees of course, and in a brand new operating system that could be called rOS.

On the hardware side, Apple’s headset would be equipped with high definition screens and could stand out from the competition thanks to a more comfortable format. And for good reason: the batteries would be worn around the waist of the user, connected to the eyewear by a cable. This would reduce the pressure on the neck but also maximize the autonomy of the device. As for the price, it may sting: the most followed analysts speak here of three thousand euros per unit.

2 – iOS 17

The Worldwide Developer Conference, every year, is also an opportunity to get your hands on a new major version of iOS, software that equips all iPhones available on the market. In 2023, numbering 17 is expected, with its share of improvements, particularly in terms of privacy and security. But not only, since a new app could also arrive with this edition.

It would be a kind of journal intimate online, connected to other Apple apps and able to provide location history to the user. He could also add images, to personalize the content as much as possible. An effort within the framework of Cupertino’s ambitions in terms of well-being, since writing is considered to be good for mental health, in particular by reducing anxiety.

3 – New MacBooks in the boxes?

This WWDC could also be synonymous with new MacBooks. Here, nothing is sure, however, because the indices contradict each other and researchers believe that the manufacturer may wait longer before presenting its latest laptops. We are mainly talking about the MacBook Air M3 here, but also a version of the MacBook Air M2 with a large slab of 15 inches. A first in this range.

With this larger version, Apple could very quickly fill a certain lack among consumers, who today are forced to choose either an affordable but small MacBook, or large but at the exorbitant price of a MacBook Pro.

4 – The renewed Mac Pro

The most anticipated Mac of the Worldwide Developer Conference 2023, however, is another one. It is indeed the new Mac Pro, the last edition of which dates from 2019. In 2020, when the Apple silicon program and its proprietary chips were announced, the manufacturer explained that it wanted to propel all of his computers with these motherboards. Within two years.

However, it is clear that at the end of 2022, the Mac Pro was the only one not to have been updated accordingly. The device is therefore late, which is not uncommon for Apple. But this also means that the product is very close to its release. It will then be, without a doubt, the most powerful of all Macs, knowing that the current version can still reach the 1.5 TB RAM.

5 – watchOS 10

If the Reality Pro is probably the one more thing Apple-verified hallway noise regular Mark Gurman, for his part, thinks another major announcement is on the way for D-Day. It’s about watchOS 10. So far, nothing surprising: the software actually updates every year during WWDC, like tvOS, iOS and iPadOS.

Except that in June, the next version of watchOS could actually turn out to be the most important since the beginning of smartwatches. As with the end of skeuomorphism with iOS 16, the design would notably be reviewed from top to bottom. No one knows if, as for iOS, a new app will also be offered, but it would be wise to integrate the newspaper into wearables.

6 – An unprecedented version of macOS

Finally, Apple should also unveil a new version of macOS. Of all the most popular operating systems from Tim Cook’s company that are coming, this is perhaps still the most confidential: hardly anything has leaked about it yet. Even the name remains uncertain.

And you, what novelty are you most looking forward to?

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