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XBB.1.5: All about the subvariant that dominates US Covid cases

Cases of Covid-19 have skyrocketed again in the United States, especially in the Northeast of the country, where there is an outbreak of the XBB.1.5 subvariant of the coronavirus. data of Center for Disease Control (CDC), health agency in the United States, show that the strain is responsible for about 40% of cases of the disease, twice as much as the previous week. In New York, for example, 75% of infections diagnoses are attributed to it.

The Omicron underline was first found in October 2022 and soon spread. There are records of infections by the new strain in at least 29 countries. Brazil has not yet entered the list, but virologists believe that it is already in circulation in the national territory.

Representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) stressed, during a press conference this Wednesday (1/4), the importance of maintaining vigilance with testing and dissemination of data to understand the spread of the virus. They also warn of the need to leave health systems prepared for possible new waves of infections and hospitalizations.


XBB.1.5 is a version of XBB, a recombinant variant of Omicron that adds elements from BA.2.75 and BJ.1. Recombinant strains can arise when a person is infected by two different microorganisms that enter the same cell. In this situation, their genetic material can be randomly swapped pieces.

Brazilian biomedical doctor and researcher Mellanie Fontes-Dutra explains that XBB.1.5 presents mutations in an important region where the virus connects to cells, which increases its escape from the immune response of vaccines and the protection granted by previous infections.

“When we talk about escape from defenses, we must remember that this escape is partial because, in general, we are looking at neutralizing antibodies, and defenses go beyond that”, clarifies Mellanie in a post published on Twitter.

Greater transmissibility

Preliminary studies show that the new version of Ômicron may be even more transmissible than the previous ones, such as BQ.1.1, in high circulation in Brazil. It is not yet known whether XBB.1.5 can cause symptoms different from those seen in previous waves.

“It is the most transmissible subvariant detected so far due to the mutations found inside it, which help cells adhere and give growth advantage”, detailed the WHO technical director, Maria Van Kerkhove, at a press conference this Wednesday (4). /1).

Maria estimates that XBB.1.5 should lead to new waves of infection in different parts of the world, but this should not be reflected in an increase in deaths among vaccinated populations.

“Vaccination is essential to prevent severe illness and death. Take your booster dose, especially if you are over 60 or have underlying conditions,” recommended the WHO director. The organization should publish a document with the risk assessment of the variant in the coming days.

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Initial data from a study carried out in the United States on BA.2.75.2, BQ.1.1 and XBB variants indicate that the new generation of bivalent vaccines is capable of improving the neutralizing antibody response against all Omicron subvariants.

new virus

Neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis suggests that the new version of XBB has characteristics so different from the original coronavirus – found in China in 2019 – that it could be seen as a new virus. The scientist believes that it can cause problems all over the world.

“The message is clear. Rapid spread of XBB variants shows that the pandemic is by no means over. It is necessary to invest in new vaccines because the XBBs escape the coverage of the current ones and we cannot give soup to bad luck and let our guard down”, says Nicolelis, on Twitter.

Protect against XBB.1.5

Recommendations to prevent XBB.1.5 infection and prevent progression to severe conditions are the same for other coronavirus strains. They include:

  • Wearing a mask in closed, crowded or poorly ventilated environments;
  • Vaccination against Covid-19;
  • Better ventilate environments;
  • Treat the infection following medical advice.

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