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Xbox Direct: how to follow the conference? What games to expect?

The first Xbox conference of the year is just hours away. We tell you everything there is to know about this event, the confirmed games, and the expected surprises.

The first conference of the year is coming. Microsoft will open the ball with a particularly expected speech. After missing the boat at the Game Awards 2022, the American publisher will present its future exclusives in more detail during an unprecedented showcase which will give pride of place to Xbox Series and PC games. Date, time, how to watch the Xbox Direct conference, games confirmed, what to expect? We do a little recap.

Microsoft will launch its very first Xbox Developer Direct. A pre-recorded conference in the vein of Nintendo Direct aimed at presenting in more detail some of its next exclusives which will be released on Xbox Series, PC and in the Xbox Game Pass in the coming months. the showcase will take place this Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 9 p.m., French time. The duration of the conference has not been revealed, but we already know that there will be an after party dedicated to the new major Chapter of The Elder Scrolls Online in order to take stock of all the new features of the expansion. .

Once is not custom, the event will be broadcast on the media and official communication channels of Xbox, but also Bethesda. See you on their channels Youtube Where Twitch to follow the conference live. They should also share their announcements more or less in real time on social networks. However, you can count on your faithful servants to give you all the big announcements the same evening.

All confirmed Xbox Series and PC games

For the sake of transparency, Microsoft has revealed all of the games that will be presented at length during this Xbox Direct. In total, four games will be mostly highlighted. Starting with Redfall, the next big Xbox Series exclusive headed by the developers of Dishonored and Prey. The FPS designed for solo and multiplayer will reveal more fully its combat system, its bosses, its open world and its customization mechanics. Its new release date should finally be revealed, and according to rumors, the game would finally be pushed back to May.

Forza Motorsport will also be in the spotlight during this event. The new generation of the flagship license will mount its gameplay more concretely and the developers are already promising exciting details on game mechanics. Minecraft Legends will also be there to present its competitive experience. The action and strategy game developed in partnership with Blackbird Interactive is expected in the spring. Microsoft once again promises exclusive gameplay images, but a release date cannot be ruled out.

The Elder Scrolls Online will also be heavily featured during Xbox Direct. Zenimax will take advantage of this new speech to unveil the Major Chapter of 2023 as well as the new regions of Tamriel that can be explored in the coming months. Bethesda tease also the arrival of a brand new feature that will be available in the game’s biggest update, coming this year. The MMORPG will have the right to a dedicated after-show to give more details on its future.

Big surprises to expect? A note on the rumors

Four games and that’s it? Everything suggests that some surprises will be revealed during this Xbox Direct. Microsoft nevertheless announced the color from the outset: no there will not be Starfield. The colossal RPG will be the subject of a dedicated presentation which is currently being prepared. It would therefore seem that there is little chance that its broadcast date will be revealed during the event. On the other hand, new rumors suggest some small announcements.

the leaker French BillbilKun has indeed revealed that a new Xbox Series exclusivity will be announced very soon. The game in question would be called Hi-Fi Rush, formerly known as Project Hibiki. The title developed by Tango Gameworks (The Evil Within, Ghostwire Tokyo) would be different from what the studio has offered so far. It would indeed be a production prohibited at least 12 years far from the usual horror of the developers. According to some rumors, it would actually be a kind of futuristic shooter with potentially a multiplayer component. This new Xbox Series game would then be a smaller title than usual, as was the case for Obsidian with Pentiment.

A few surprises are also looming on the Xbox Game Pass side. January is indeed a very lean month at the moment with only a handful of titles added. Subscribers made no secret of their disappointment after such a poor end to the year, but Microsoft was reassuring. This first wave was not than a warm-up “, hinting at some releases soon. The Xbox Developer Direct seems to be the perfect place to unveil a new batch of XGP games with immediate availability. Some rumors also suggest the arrival of a very big game in the service: Cyberpunk 2077. We just have to wait for January 25, 2023 to have the end of the story.

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