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Xbox Game Pass becomes more expensive, Microsoft doubles prices in Argentina

Xbox Game Pass becomes more expensive, Microsoft doubles prices in Argentina

Microsoft has announced that starting in August, the prices of the Xbox Series X and the subscription service GamePass they will go up in most markets where they are available. The company alleges that this increase is necessary to maintain competitiveness on the market and that it has been delaying this price adjustment for a while.

Microsoft specified that the prices of the console will not change in the United States, Japan, Chile, Brazil and Colombia. However, the monthly Game Pass subscription fee will see an increase in almost all territories where the service is available, including the company’s internal market.

A price list revealed by The Verge shows that, in Argentina, the price of Game Pass for consoles will go from $599 per month to $1199 per month. Also, the subscription Ultimate will go from $899 per month to $1449 per month, Remember that this subscription guarantees access to the console, PC and the xCloud system. So far there is no information on what the new value of the version of the service for PC will be.

The price adjustment arrives in August

Microsoft says that the price hike will start working automatically on August 13 of this year. The exception will be in Germany, where local laws oblige the company to make its change of plans only after September 2023.

In addition, those who do not yet have Xbox Game Pass will pay the new prices starting July 6. According to the company, there will be no additional charge for those who have already paid for an annual plan, but the new values ​​will be applied from the moment the contracted period ends.

This is the first global readjustment that the company has made in the value of Game Pass since it debuted in 2017. In its statement, the company states that the decision has nothing to do with its attempted acquisition of Activision Blizzard, the increase will serve to to be able to continue delivering a first class service in the market.

And if we talk about prices in Argentina, $1500 for Xbox Ultimate is still a gift, when we have Triple A games from the first day of launch. In the United States the Ultima costs about 15 dollars, which at the price of the Blue dollar is $7350, in Europe the price is 15 Euros.

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