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Xbox Game Pass: the maggio il grande calcium of FIFA 23 and the magic of Planet of Lana

The second goal of maggio If you pre-announce, you will get rich for all the benefits to Xbox and PC Game Pass, that in the turn of few days I will welcome a champion of the caliber of FIFA 23 and a series of interesting newcomers, with quali spicca l’atteso Planet of Lana. Scopriamo assieme tutte le cartucce di Microsoft.

FIFA 23 will be available on Xbox and PC via EA Play

a gioco eats FIFA 23 Has davvero bisogno di presentazioni? The stone simulation completes its piazza with 19 thousand stadiums, 700 squads, 100 stadiums and 30 campionati, a mare magnum of content with and quali spiccano the presence of Juventus and of the Allianz Stadium, of return from three years of assembly, and of the license of the Serie B, with the official logo and name and kit of tutte and venti le squadre cadette.Ultimate Team does present a great powder with a new development of the parameters of the Intesa and new FUT Moments, inoltre il calcio femminile vanta ancor più space with license new from Zecca. Su Xbox Series X|S e PC FIFA 23 può inoltre godere dell’Hypermotion2 Technologywhich shapes the animations, dribbling and acceleration ultra-realistic.

Eastern Exorcist su Xbox e PC dal 18 maggio

Eastern Exorcist It is an RPG d’azione a scorrimento orizzontale set in a world fittizio dai toni orientaleggianti, popolato da spiriti e mostri malvagi.Nei panni di un abilie esorcista, avrete il compito di combattere il male in a world dipinto with the typical stile pictorico cinese and with the impiego of a system of combattimento in cui ogni frame is made by hand.

Ghostlore your Xbox dal 18 maggio

Già accessible agli abbonati PC Game Pass da diversi mesi, Ghostlore is an eastpunk action RPG In the quale seven chiamati a combattere dei mostri fuoriusciti dal folklore del sud-est Asiatico.I brothers Andrew and Adam Teo, hailing from the state of Singapore, if they were inspired to mostri sacri like Diablo and Titan Quest, and have endowed the parrot creature di Map generate in procedural mannera thorough character personalization system and a two-dimensional isometric artistic style.

Planet of Lana on Xbox and PC from 23 maggio day one

Tra gli osservati speciali di esta mese undoubtedly includes Planet of Lana, a new adventure cinematic puzzle game Contornato gives an epic sci-fi story that if districs the interest galassie and secoli.Lana, the protagonist of the story, joins Mui, an allegra creature with the fattezze of a feline, in a trip to preserve the beauty of the planet its living care, minacciato gives an inesorabile esercito without volto. During the road I will collaborate to overcome percorsi impervi, solve enigmi environmentali, sfuggire giganteschi automi and districare i secreti del mondo di gioco.

Cassette Beasts su Xbox dal 25 maggio

After a month from the debut in PC Game Pass, Cassette Beasts If it also appears in the catalog of console accessories. Trattasi di un gioco di ruolo a turni open world che, bringing inspiration from mostri sacri like Pokémon, Zelda and Final Fantasy, allow the collection of mostri da impiegare in battaglia.Exploring the island of New Wirral, welcome the opportunity to register your birth fine to 120 mostri, so I can reproduce it and use the parrot shape in battaglia. thanks to Fusion System Pot will also combine different types of food to create new, unique and even more potent

Massive Chalice su Cloud e Xbox dal 25 maggio

Massive Chalice It is a game of tactical strategy published in 2015 by Double Fine Productions, a regular software house part of the Xbox Game Studios family.Nei panni del sovrano di una nazione, seven chiamati a comandare i vostri eroi, I will combine marriages to strengthen your stirpi He fought a mysterious nemic in a war that has lasted for centuries of years.

Railway Empire 2 Cloud, Xbox and PC from 25 maggio day one

Railway Empire 2 It is a management game that I saw allowed to dress and panni of a skillful imprenditore that, nei primi anni del 1800, has led a piccola railway company to guide the change in a world that fine little by little prima conosceva only i cavalli.For the growth of your company, I will join the railway network with the great city and the most influential companies, piazzando binari, ponti and tunnel. Railway Empire 2 includes two huge maps that include not the United States of America and continental Europe, other than 60 famous steam locomotive al traino di wagoni merci e passeggeri.

Chicory A Colorful Tale su Console e PC dal 30 maggio

Chicory: A Colorful Tale è un gioco d’avventura con visuale dall’alto in cui è possibile colorare il mundo. Enjoying poteri dell’artefatto magico like il Pennello, potrete esplorare, solvere enigmi e aiutare gli altri animali per ridare colore ad un mundo en bianco e nero.Using the vernice to interact with ciò che vi circondasolve a wide variety of environmental enigmi and scope an infinite number of natural elements, including new accessories for the Pennello and new painting skills, essential to access new areas.

I giochi in uscita dal catalog

Anche stavolta siamo costretti a chiudere la carrellata signaling the imminent addition of a series of games su Game Pass. Il 31 maggio will present the last day useful for gaming ad Europa Universalis, Evil Genius 2: World Domination, FIFA 21, Floppy Knights and Lawn Mowing Simulator. Questi cinque giochi verranno rimossi dal catalogodunque ci state giocando vi consigliamo di affrettarvi a raggiungere i titoli di coda.

FIFA 21 probably won’t stain onealso because it has been widely released from the most recent edition of the series, but there are seven still ready to separate from each other remember that the Xbox Game Pass holders have an exclusive 20% discount on the purchase of the games.

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