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Xbox: three Bethesda games excluding Series X|S and PC. The Elder Scrolls 6?

The Xbox takeover of Activision Blizzard sitcom resumes with a new episode featuring Bethesda games that will be exclusive to Series X|S and PC.

Now that Microsoft is being sued for the acquisition of Activision Blizzard, the Redmond firm must defend itself. And in a long document, the manufacturer reveals its plans to make certain Bethesda games exclusive to its Xbox platforms.

Three Bethesdsa games will be Xbox exclusives

Microsoft is responding to the complaint filed by the FTC, the American anti-trust authority, which wants to block the takeover of Activision Blizzard by the giant. And as usual, we have information that strays “a little” from the main subject but which will be scrutinized by the courts.

In a very, very long answer, Microsoft still claims that there will be Xbox and PC exclusives on Bethesda games to make up for its current deficit. Three more precisely.

Xbox anticipates that three future titles – all designed to be played main solo or in small groups – will be exclusive to Xbox consoles and PC.

We obviously have Starfield but afterwards, it’s a little more nebulous, even if Redfall is one of them (normally). But it’s not a name that will attract players in droves.

On the other hand, The Elder Scrolls 6, yes and it will be an exclusive. Knowing that the FTC already takes a dim view of the possible exclusivity of Call of Duty, perhaps that will play against Xbox during the trial. The upcoming Machine Games (Wolfenstein), which is an Indiana Jones game, could also be an ideal candidate.

In addition to the complaint from the antitrust authority, players have decided to attack Microsoft on their side.

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