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Xcaret: All-Fun Inclusive shoots up hotel occupancy

Xcaret: All-Fun Inclusive shoots up hotel occupancy

According to Iiana Rodríguez, director of Sustainability and Institutional Relations at Grupo Xcaret, the firm’s All-Fun Inclusive modality has encouraged hotel occupancy and visits to the company’s parks, although in a variable manner by property. She reported that the organization’s lodging centers expect to close the summer season with an average occupancy of 95%.

At the end of the activities of the Cultural Heritage Workshop given at the Hotel Xcaret Arte to representatives of the media, including, Iiana Rodríguez, communicated the above at a press conference and pointed out that there are even properties like this headquarters hotel, which They report 100% occupancy. “We will close the parks 8% higher compared to the summer of last year.”

The spokesperson for Grupo Xcaret pointed out that the La Casa de la Playa hotel, which unlike what happens in other luxury boutique properties, which take time to position themselves or have stable occupancy, has exceeded 70% occupancy after its first year of operation. Likewise, he highlighted that in terms of the origin of the tourists that arrive at the company’s hotels, the national one is the most important and then travelers from the United States follow, while for the parks it has been the other way around: more American tourists , followed by Mexicans who are sometimes surpassed by Colombians. “National tourism has always represented a very important part and it has to do with the reflection of finding a space of Mexicanness where they feel very proud to be Mexican and I think that we nationals feel very good coming to that. We are very happy because the Mexican market has embraced our hotels and parks very well”.

Regarding the Cultural Heritage Workshop, Iiana Rodríguez highlighted that Grupo Xcaret, which is about to turn 33 next December, has worked a lot on this topic, especially in the education and visibility part, and in some cases documenting. “We have taken care of having the Mayan culture diploma from the Center for Mayan Studies of the Philological Research Institute of the UNAM, implemented when they did not exist, the tools to have the distance course. We are one of the few organizations to have a transversal and multidisciplinary Cultural Heritage Committee to continue working and improving nature and what we like to do, which is to show off Mexico”.

It should be noted that, in this workshop, which is part of a Grupo Xcaret program, to bring up and discuss these highly relevant issues with interest groups, experts in the field spoke, such as: Patricio Chaves Zaldumbide, advisor for social programs and projects, educational, cultural and cultural heritage of UNESCO, and consultant to UNICEF, UNDP, IDB, OEA. Salomón Bazbaz Lapidus, member of the UNESCO panel of experts for Intangible Cultural Heritage; as well as Héctor Garza, Professor of Indigenous Law at the Law School of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

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