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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: the DLC Future Redeemed available, in patch 2.0.0

Taking the JRPG fan by surprise, Nintendo has recently announced the almost immediate arrival of Future Redeemed, an expansion of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, including Expansion Pass 4, which will conclude the story arc of the game.

Available for i possessori del gioco da poche ore, il Future Redeemed DLC include an original story He raccounted through a cast of “new and familiar characters”, and collegherà insieme all and three iterations of the Xenoblade Chronicles series. I giocatori possono anche aspettarsi “new combat mechanics“Come with the Unity Comb, allowing two characters to attack all in unison.

Other than to see the documentation of the availability of the corposo contenuto aggiuntivo, Nintendo has inoltre diffuso i dettagli della patch 2.0.0. Other than carrying a dowry Future Redeemed, this update enter alcuni fix, tra cui uno legato al mancato ottenimento dell’outfit del costume da bagno, ed un altro relative al’interfaccia durante le fasi di combattimento. Surely it is not particularly relevant from a technical point of view, but I must necessarily update the title to be able to access all expansions.

Ricordiamo che ad affiancare il lancio di Future Redeem arrived anche i Due to Pyra and Mythra amiibosold in copies in a package available from partire dal 21 July (the price is not yet stated that I notice).

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