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Yasmín Esquivel on impeachment waiting list

Claudia Salazar/ Reform Agency

Sunday, January 22, 2023 | 11:08

CDMX.- The impeachment complaint against Minister Yasmín Esquivel due to the plagiarism of her law degree thesis from UNAM is on the waiting list in the Chamber of Deputies.

Before Esquivel, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was denounced; former president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Minister Arturo Zaldívar; the Attorney General of the Republic, Alejandro Gertz, and the electoral advisors Ciro Murayama and Lorenzo Córdova.

Also the Governor of Morelos, Cuauhtémoc Blanco; and the former governor of Baja California and now senator for Morena, Jaime Bonilla, as well as magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal.

More recently, the Head of Government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, was included in the list of demands for impeachment.

All the files are waiting to be analyzed, to determine if the cases are valid and if their discussion proceeds.

In accordance with the Constitution, the Chamber of Deputies analyzes the cases and determines if a public servant is responsible for any offense, while the Senate passes the sentence, considering removal from office and disqualification.

The process begins in the Prior Examination Subcommittee because it has to turn over the corresponding file to the Investigating Section.

At the beginning of the 65th Legislature, the subcommittee was installed on March 17, 2022 and has not met again.

The subcommittee is “tied” because there is a tie in the votes that the Morena deputies and their allies, the PVEM and the PT, and the Opposition can cast.

The working group has 14 members, of which five are from Morena, one from the PVEM and one from the PT.

For the Opposition parties there are three representatives from the PAN, two from the PRI, one from MC and one from the PRD, so there would be a tie in case there are no consensus resolutions.

By law, the subcommittee currently led by the Opposition is made up of deputies from the Justice and Interior commissions, chaired by deputies Felipe Fernando Macías, from the PAN, and Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, from the PRI.

An initial agreement in the installation of the subcommittee was that the cases be discussed in chronological order, so that Esquivel’s would be the last.

However, the political agreement could be changed and the minister’s file presented in advance, without following the chronological order.

That has already happened with the case of the former head of government of Mexico City, Rosario Robles, tried in the Chamber of Deputies in March 2020, when Morena subjected her to a process of impeachment, skipping all previous files.

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