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Yaz conquers us with her charming Yoruichi Shihouin cosplay from Bleach

After his return to the screen, the popular anime, bleachhas filled the fandom with great action scenes and the return of their favorite characters within an impressive arc.

That is why some of the professional cosplayers around the world have embarked on an epic adventure trying to get their characters off the screen, and that is because the popular Shinigami anime has one of the best stories of all time.

She is Yaz, better known to some as Yaz Bunny, a beautiful model and cosplayer, who is also a Twitch streamer and who has a very attractive style, since with her beauty and charisma in front of the camera she has conquered us with her own cosplay versions of some of the most iconic characters in anime and the videogames. You can find her on her official Instagram as @yazbunnyy, where she has more than 68,000 followers and a spectacular cosplay gallery.

This fabulous new version of cosplay, shows us a little more of the beautiful feline that took our hearts, stealing our breath. Yaz presents his best version of Yoruichi Shihointhe powerful and former captain of the Gotei 13 Second Division in the anime of bleach.

An enigmatic character who first appeared at the beginning of the series as an adorable black cat with stunning golden eyes, a feline who had the ability to speak, with a voice so deep that everyone assumed it was a male cat. .

But, when he became a human, everyone was impressed to see him take the form of a very attractive woman, with dark skin, large breasts and a slender body with well-defined curves and eyes that hypnotized anyone. Her intelligence and knowledge made his rise fast.

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