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Year-end all bearish for the equity markets? For oscillators the scenario is this

Stock markets could rise in the coming

Weak restart for the stock markets in the last week of the year. 2022 was really difficult, and inflation, then the war in Ukraine and the high energy price held the scene dragging prices down by up to 25% on average. What will happen in the next few days? Not everything is obvious and let’s find out why.

Year-end all bearish for the equity markets? Although today we recognize a certain weakness, we do not see particular dangers, quite the contrary we view today’s levels as preparatory for a few consecutive days of upside. These pricescorroborated by our long-term oscillators, and weighted statistical calculations on historical series since 1898, are considered ideal for buying shares in optics 12 months, but above all 36 and 60 up to 120. And again on the basis of these calculations, the asset to give prevalence should be international equities weighted on geographical areas based on world GDP (50% America, 30% Europe and 20% Asia and Emerging Countries).

From now on, prices could go up again and close the year in

Today, after a rise in the first hours of trading, prices are showing to be weak. At 16:50 of the negotiating session of 27 December we read the following prices:

Dax Futures


Eurostoxx Futures


Ftse Mib Future


S&P 500 Index


Today was waiting for a rather sluggish session, but from tomorrow onwards our oscillators turned to rise assume a bullish streak through Friday.

Tomorrow the maintenance of the media is important

Year-end all bearish for the equity markets? For oscillators the scenario is bullish

However, there are levels to be maintained on the upside in the intraday and then at the end of the session. They are as follows:

Dax Futures


Eurostoxx Futures


Ftse Mib Future


S&P 500 Index


These will be the watershed levels between a positive or negative trend until December 30th. If we look at the next 30 days, we project further positivity, even if the first days of the year could be weak and decisive in this regard.

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