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You and many in the regime explore how to get out of Maduro

You and many in the regime explore how to get out of Maduro

MADRID. – After the attorney general of the Venezuelan regime, Tarek William Saab, mentioned this Monday, April 29, in an accusation against the former Minister of Petroleum Tareck El Aissami, detained for corruption, in an alleged conspiracy to overthrow Nicolás Maduro, leaders of the opposition, Leopoldo Lopez He rejected the accusations of the Chavista prosecutor and although he admitted to having maintained communications with Samark López, businessman and financial operator of former Minister El Aissami, he emphasized that the real people responsible for the PDVSA-Cripto plot are those who had control of the country’s financial and oil institutions. .

The Chavista regime tries to link the leaders of the Venezuelan opposition Leopoldo López, Julio Borges, Carlos Ocariz and Carlos Vecchio with the former oil minister El Aissami in an attempt to discredit them, as is common practice against all those who oppose the designs of that dictatorship, whose main officials are fugitives from US Justice, accused of links to organized crime.

El Aissami, linked to the regime of Hugo Chávez and later to that of Maduro, was arrested on April 9, after a year of political disappearance, for his links to a plot that led to the embezzlement of some 17,000 million dollars in the state-owned Petróleos. of Venezuela (PDVSA), for which another 65 people are detained.

Saab revealed an alleged “political conspiracy” by El Aissami linked to the corruption of PDVSA, with which he wanted to link Leopoldo López and other opposition leaders.

Through a press conference, the ruling party Saab released audios of conversations between El Aissami’s right-hand man, Samark López, and some of these opposition leaders.

Leopoldo López’s reaction

Leopoldo López stressed in his response to Saab that many people within the Maduro regime have discussed the possibility of change in the country. “Don’t act crazy, setting up a new pot against me,” he said in reference to Saab’s words. They also have you recorded. Everything falls under its own weight”he warned.

In this sense, López revealed that he had held conversations with individuals affiliated with Chavismo, and pointed out that Saab has also been in meetings to overthrow the dictator Nicolás Maduro. “You, more than anyone, know that you have also been exploring options for Maduro’s departure,” López declared, according to Tal Cual.

The political leader affirmed his willingness to continue dialogue “with whoever is necessary to build a bridge towards the democratic transition” in his country. Likewise, he highlighted the importance of each individual assuming responsibility for their actions before justice, reiterating his commitment to the search for democracy in Venezuela.

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Regarding the total amount lost in the PDVSA-Cripto scheme, López pointed out that it is still unknown, and recalled that more than 20 billion dollars are not recorded in the accounts receivable of the state oil company. Furthermore, he expressed his belief that much of these funds could have been diverted through cryptocurrencies.

“I consider this to be the deepest looting that any nation has ever suffered. I don’t think there is another country that has experienced levels of corruption as rampant as what we have seen in Venezuela, first with (Hugo) Chávez and then with Nicolás Maduro,” Lopez stated.

The leader of Voluntad Popular pointed out that the Public Ministry’s investigation has only begun to unravel the ins and outs of this plot, and believes that there are more people involved in the scheme.

Source: AFP/ With information from Tal Cual

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