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You can now give calves from a distance thanks to this “mouth” that they created in China

A consequence of the confinement due to the COVID pandemic? Well yes. Or see what you think of this idea: in China, a company invented a prototype to give and receive kisses from a distancevia a silicone mouth.

What?! It goes again: in China, the company Siweifushe created a prototype —which is already being sold in those parts— to give and receive kisses from a distance.

Photo: Tingshu Wang-Reuters.

The only thing people need is to have a cell phone, the remote kissing app and of course, mouth made of silicone —that is, a device in the shape of a mouth, made of silicone.

You can now give calves from a distance thanks to this “mouth” that they created in China

According to Zhao Jianbo, the creator of this device whose name is MUAthe sales of this machine besucona It has been quite a success in China.

Or, at least two weeks after launch, the company sold around 3 thousand devices and not to mention the orders, since this company received about 20 thousand.

Photo: Tingshu Wang-Reuters.

How does MUA work? The truth is that, based on what we read from agencies like Reuters, the dynamics are simple.

How does MUA work?

If you want to give and receive kisses from a distance —either from your partner or from other people—, all you have to do is install the kissing app on your phone and insert the silicone mouth into the THE.

Already with the silicone mouth in the phone, you make a video call your boyfriend, girlfriend, crush or ligue and instead of sending kissesyou kiss the device and in this way your partner receives it as if they were really together.

At least that’s the idea. It… innovative? of this matter is that the silicone mouth moves when reproducing the kisses it received —and that, of course, he is going to give to the other person.

“Zhao Jianbo, founder of the remote kissing device “Long Lost Touch”. Photo: Reuters-Xihao Jiang

According to this, the device detects the movement of the lips using sensors and is able to measure the intensity of the kiss received and then reproduce it.

People even have the chance to record the sound of the calf so that it is more real and your lover or lover feels it as if there were no distance. And this might sound weird, but silicone lips themselves were designed to get a little hot.

Here we leave the video of Reuters so that they give a better idea of ​​how MUA works:

A consequence of the confinement due to the pandemic

Also, to avoid broken hearts, the devices of each couple can be anchored, one to the other, in the app so that they do not kiss with another user.

That happens in the case of boyfriends. What do you think? This idea was born as a result of the confinement of the COVID-19 pandemic, which left us with many marks and in China one of them was the need to be or feel closer to the loved one —you see that in that country, the restrictions were super rude.

The cost of this device kissingFor now, it is 41 dollars, something like 779 pesos, would they buy it?

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