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You have to know the ridiculous case of George Santos, the politician who lied in EVERYTHING

We have enough worries in our country or in daily life to also keep an eye on a middling politician in the United States, No? But really, you have to believe us when we tell you that this is a crazy story. Whether for political interest —or for pure comedy—they have to know the ridiculous case of George Santosa gabacho politician who has become famous for lie about absolutely everything.

At the moment, George Santos He faces 13 counts of fraud in the United States and is in the custody of federal authorities. However, his lies go far beyond politics.

George Santos, politician of the Republican Party in the United States // Photo: Getty Images

We are not exaggerating when we tell you that George Santos lied about everything. Republican Party politician —New York State Representative— He has lied about his resume, his personal life, his daily activities, his religion, his ethnicity, about his family history, about his pets, and about all kinds of strange things.

Who is George Santos? Who knows

The simplest version is that George Santos is a politician Republican Party who was chosen for the House of Representatives with the flag of the state of NY.

George Santos He is 34 years old, the son of migrants from Brazil and is openly gay. He is also part of the politicians who support the campaign of Donald Trump.

George Santos, politician of the Republican Party in the United States // Photo: Getty Images

From there on out, everything in the life of George Santos es a mentioned mystery. His biography -if we can call it that- es a complicated layer of liesduplicate versions and crazy stories that have made this character famous throughout the world. We are going to review them, just to give you an idea.

George Santos, the politician who lied about EVERYTHING

To begin to give us an idea of ​​who he is George Santos They have to know your academic history. The politician’s version is that he attended the prestigious Horace Mann High School in NYthen graduated in finance at the Baruch College and finally he studied higher education at the famous New York University (NYU).

George Santos, politician of the Republican Party in the United States // Photo: Getty Images

In December 2022 an investigation of the New York Times revealed that everything was a lie. There is no evidence that George Santos He attended Horace Mann High School, no one at Baruch College knows him and obviously, he has never set foot at New York University (NYU). Of course, with the evidence on top, the politician he had to admit that his credentials were fabricated.

But of course, things —not even close— remain in his invented school history. In his own resume, George Santos said that he worked at the firm Goldman Sachs. However, there is no evidence of that either and the financial area in which he said he worked He disappeared when he was in high school.

Many would say that cream the resume It’s not much, but the lies of George Santos they have gone much further.

George Santos He said on his social networks that His mom died in the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers.. What is the reality? That his mother died 15 years later of cancer.

Santos tried to publicly correct himself by saying that it was not the attack directly, but that it was the toxic remains of the building that they had caused his mother’s illness. However the Washington Post found the migration logs and discovered that his mother was in Brazil in 2001. There is also no evidence that he worked at the World Trade Center.

September 11 attacks // Photo: @SecretService

The same politician continued with his family lies saying that her grandmother survived the Holocaust.

You already know where this is going, don’t you? A genealogy study of George Santos found that his family He has no Jewish ancestry, he has no record of leaving the Ukraine, and of course, they were not persecuted in World War II either.

More George Santos lies

In addition to his family or his work, the lies of George Santos They have escalated to ridiculous levels. We are going to do a quick round on them, so that they go on their backs:

The most important thing —despite all these lies, deceits and versions of madness— the thing is George Santos It’s about to face criminal charges for their moves.

George Santos, politician of the Republican Party in the United States // Photo: Getty Images

The GOP politician faces more than 13 fraud charges in the United States. Officially, this strange representative is accused of collecting money during the pandemic and using public funds to buy luxury clothes. In addition, one more of his charges, to the surprise of no one, accuses him of lying on the bench of the House of Representatives.

Let’s see how it ends, but isn’t your case completely ridiculous?

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