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“You twisted!” : the coaches taken aback by the gesture of Zazie towards Amel Bent in The Voice 2023

Fifth week of competition for talents… but also for coaches! This Saturday March 25, TF1 offered a new issue of season 12 of The Voice. During this unprecedented evening, Bigflo and Oli, Zazie, Amel Bent and Vianney continued the blind auditions. Objective: build their teams for the Battles. But during the episode, two members of the jury had to compete vigorously. It is about Zazie and Amel Bent who turned around for Jade. Indeed, the candidate did not leave them indifferent.

The Voice 2023 : Jade’s best friend is Mary Milton, the semi-finalist of season 11!

At just 18 years old, Jade tries the adventure The Voice for the first time. The young singer, originally from Cannes, joined a school dedicated to singing and dancing: “In life, I dedicate myself 100% to music.“, she confides in her portrait. It was in this establishment that Jade met the one who became her best friend thereafter. Her name: Mary Milton, the semi-finalist of The Voice in 2022. Jade has her unfailing admiration: “She is a very strong woman, a warrior, a fighter”, she explains. And to continue: “She always supported me and believed in me”. An assertion confirmed by the presence of Mary Milton behind the scenes to encourage her friend.

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The Voice 2023 : Amel Bent “superblocked” by Zazie in full debrief

During his appearance on the stage of The VoiceJade decides to interpret My idol, by singer Janie. A remarkable performance that makes Amel Bent turn around, then Zazie. During the debrief that follows, the two coaches do everything to convince the young candidate to choose them. “You sing it like it’s yours”begins the performer of the tube My philosophy. But while the coach points out some imperfections “stress-related“, her colleague uses her Super Block to neutralize her.

The coaches taken aback by the behavior of Zazie

“The Look”, “The Traitor”, “The Witch”… Bigflo and Oli are shocked by what has just happened before their eyes. “I totally forgot it existed.“, says Amel Bent, surprised by Zazie’s Super Block. The latter, hands over her mouth, is quick to apologize: “You were too good, sorry“. And Vianney to add: “You twisted! You have become evil“. Turning towards Jade, Zazie explains her gesture: “I really liked what you did and the Super Block is also used for that. You have no choice, I’m sorry“, concludes the coach. An attitude that does not seem to displease the candidate: “It doesn’t matter, I’m very happy”she says with a smile.

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