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Young man is arrested for allegedly placing a camera in the bathroom of his work in McAllen

Young man is arrested for allegedly placing a camera in the bathroom of his work in McAllen

Easton Rae Villarreal, 22, was arrested this past Wednesday, July 5, in the City of McAllen for allegedly installing a camera in the bathroom of his workplace. Now the young man faces charges related to invasive visual recordings and an $8,000 bail.

For her part, Sandy Arredondo, who owns the place, says she is surprised because the young man worked with her for three years. However, one day she discovered something that she assures she never imagined. She was trying on some clothes when she noticed that the shaker was in a strange position. Nearby, she says, there was a camera.

After this discovery he tried to show himself as if nothing had happened. “I felt really bad. I didn’t know what to do. I felt scared, for so many years. I really didn’t think I was capable of doing something like that,” Sandy said.

The video from the security cameras shows how the employee was watching from his devices what was happening inside the bathroom and seeing that his employer covers the visibility, he reacts. The videos from days before the event were evidence for the authorities.

Dmitry Bestuzhev, a cyber security specialist, explains that our phones can help us discover hidden cameras. “When there is a camera recording, an infrared light is seen. For the human eye it cannot be perceived but the camera captures it.”

You can do the test with your remote control, the red light cannot be seen with the naked eye but it can be seen once you activate the cell phone camera.

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