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YouTube is attacking ad blockers, you will have to deactivate Adblock to watch videos

YouTube relies heavily on advertising to generate revenue and compensate its creators. Except that many Internet users use blockers like AdBlock. Faced with this observation of relentless failure, the platform will take drastic measures.

© Reddit Sazk100

YouTube got a makeover at the end of 2022 and now intends to tackle what can be described as a scourge for its finances: ad blocking. To avoid being bothered by these, many users use Adblock or a mobile application that blocks ads on YouTube. Consequence: a big shortfall for the platform and for the content creators who are paid in this way.

YouTube: will ad blockers be banned?

Well aware of the problem, YouTube decided to take the bull by the horns. Proof of this is with the experimentation launched with a handful of users. While surfing on YouTube with an ad blocker activated, a user was confronted with the following message:

“It looks like you are using an ad blocker. Ads keep YouTube free for billions of users around the world. You can skip ads with YouTube Premium and creators will still be rewarded with your subscription“, says the message shared on Reddit.

A YouTube spokesperson confirmed that it was indeed a test held around the world. The principle is very simple. If you want to continue using the platform for free, you will need to agree to view ads before and during the videos (and therefore disable your AdBlock). If you want to skip the ads, you will have to subscribe to YouTube Premium which has recently been enriched with new features.

It remains to be seen whether the test will be conclusive and whether the system will be deployed on a larger scale in the future. Note that there are already such restrictions on some sites that deny you access if you do not disable your AdBlock. Still in the announcements department, the platform still dropped some ballast last April. YouTube has removed banner ads that appeared below videos.

Source : Reddit

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