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Yu Suzuki: the Metaverse of Oasyx accoglie gli eroi NFT di Virtua Fighter

The new NFT project of Yu Suzuki takes shape: the legendary creator of Shenmue or OutRun will transform the heroes of the Virtua Fighter series in ‘non-fungible tokens’ to integrate into the Oasyx Metaverse videogame blockchain.

In outlining his vision for the future of the digital media industry, Yu Suzuki sees the “I never met SEGA with Virtua Fighter using 3D computer graphics technology that, at the time, was very innovative and state-of-the-art. Now, the Virtua Fighter series has become one of the most passionate fans of the genre and continues ad essere supportata ancora oggi.Atraverso il mio lavoro di supervisione nello sviluppo della visione videoludica di Oasyx, sono lieto di abbracciare questa New technology based on its NFT and blockchain to provide a new form of entertainment attaining to the titles of the Virtua Fighter series”.

In this new professional tour with Oasyx, Yu Suzuki will supervise the work of 1,000 NFT based on 11 iconic and representative characters from the roster of Virtua Fighter. Ciascuno di questi lottatori potrà essere utilizzato per immersi in mondi virtuali creati per l’occasione da Oasyx e dagli altri frequentatori del Metaverso.

A detta dello stesso Suzuki, gli NFT di Virtua Fighter “faranno da base ai futuri metaverse avatar. In attesa di capire as if the interactive dimension of Oasyx will evolve and as assumed by the NFT of Yu Suzuki, we saw this approfondimento sul nuovo brevetto di Sony per NFT trasferibili tra giochi PlayStation.

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