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Yucatecan acrobat dies in the United States

Rodolfo Durán is a well-known yucatecan acrobat who died in a circus of USA just 22 years old.

Roddy, as he was affectionately known, is originally from the port of Progreso and was part of the Circo Portugal that performed in the United States.

The acrobat emigrated to the United States.

According to the reports, Roddy was performing a circus act called ‘Trepé’, when he fell from a height of 8 meters high.

It is worth mentioning that this young man was part of the Portugal Circus, as he pursued his dreams.

Yucatecan acrobat belonged to the circus family of Yucatan

Roddy was part of the Meza dynasty, which she was well known in the port of Progreso.

It is worth mentioning that the death of this young man has shaken the circus community of Yucatan and the world of entertainment, because the young man is the nephew of the clowns Chupirul and Caramelo.

This young man began his circus career in his father’s circus, when he represented the clown ‘Totopo’.

After the arrival of the pandemic in Yucatan, emigrated to the United States in search of job opportunities such as the Circus of international stature as the ‘Do Portugal’.

The young man was doing a ropes act and fell from a height of 8 meters.

After making himself known this young man, family and friends, as well as followers of the young circus performer who sent words give encouragement to their families.

It is worth mentioning that on their social networks, Chupirul and Caramelo Show, they changed their profile photo, where you can see the Yucatecan acrobat.

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