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"ZDF zoom"-Documentary about young Ukrainian people at war


Mainz (ots)

The war in Ukraine has been going on for almost a year. The “ZDFzoom” documentation “We Will Cry Later – Young Ukrainians and the War” on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 10:45 p.m, offers a personal look at the first year of a new war generation in the heart of Europe. It shows a perspective full of desperation, but also optimism and thirst for action in the face of indescribable violence: The war is told through the eyes of young Ukrainians without comment from themselves. In the ZDF Mediathek is the movie from Jens Strohschnieder available at the latest from the broadcast.

Anton Atamanchuk had just become a primary school teacher when the first rockets fell on Kyiv. He meets the daily concern for his students with creativity. With Rapping Against Fear, he playfully teaches the children what to do in the event of an air raid.

Uliana Dzhurliak was just in love, it was “the best year of my life the year before”. But her boyfriend died in the summer as a soldier.

Maria Mesentseva is a young parliamentarian. Once in office, one of her first acts was to vote for martial law. In the European Parliament, she caused a moment of silence when she played the missile alert over Kyiv from her mobile phone through loudspeakers.

Valeria Shashenok spent two weeks in the bunker, keeping a video diary. Her idiosyncratic humor went viral on TikTok. Now she dreams of becoming a journalist.

Lesya Drozdova is a hairdresser. She describes the moment when she had to cancel all customers and how, since the customers came back, she has been trying to blow-dry without electricity and wash her hair without water.

Dmytro Kyrpa organizes clean-up raves in areas devastated by Russians. If he and his friends have to clean up, at least they want to have fun doing it.

They are stories of fear and despair, but also moments of perseverance, even happiness, and an irrepressible desire to survive, to keep going and to keep Ukraine going.

From the February 15-24, 2023 there will be one ZDF program focus on the first anniversary of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

Ansprechpartnerin: Dr. Birgit-Nicole Krebs, Telefon: 030 – 2099-1096;
Presse-Desk, Telefon: 06131 – 70-12108,

Photos are available from ZDF communication, telephone: 06131 – 70-16100, and from

The film is available to accredited journalists in the projection room of the ZDF press portal.

“ZDFzoom” in the ZDF media library:

Press folder for the ZDF program focus “1 year Ukraine war”:

Press contact:

ZDF communication
Telephone: +49-6131-70-12108

Original content from: ZDF, transmitted by news aktuell

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