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Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: how to combine and find oggetti with Composer

Una delle principali novità in termini di gameplay di The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom It consists of the possibility of founding fra loro armi ed oggetti to create combinazioni incredibilmente forti o dagli effetti unici. Scopriamo insieme come fare per usare al meglio l’abilità Composer di Link.

How will I combine oggetti with armi and scudi

The use of the Composer’s ability is very useful in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, because the fusion of any element with a weapon or with a shield may not alter the characteristics and, in addition, increase the power of attack or addittura the resistance, così che possano essere utilizzate più a lungo prima dell’inevitabile distruzione. There are three different modi to proceed with the fusion, given that any weapon can be united with an element of the scenario, with an oggetto dell’inventario or with another weapon. Ogni opzione ha i suoi vantaggi And there is no solution, migliore delle altre: you can use the exemplary foundation to throw to get a fragile weapon but in degree of collapsing the nemico even at a distance, oppure unite a nail to a mass to create an instrument with cui distruggere qualsiasi parete di roccia .

In the case in cui vogliate unite fra loro due armi o un’arma ed un oggetto (come ad esempio i crystalli che conferiscono poteri elementalis), follow the following steps: press the touch +, move the cursor to the oggetto or the weapon that volete bottoms with the weapon and press the touch A. At this point select ‘Prendi in mano’ and press B to access the menu. Now that Link has the oggetto in hand, you can shake it from his hips with the touch A. Challenge the person with the weapon or the shield with your handwheel to ground this element and activate Composer: the pressure of the touch ZL will ground it with the shield, reverse the pressure Say Y will unite all’arma equipaggiata dal protagonist in that moment.

To unite the weapon invece ad un element of the scenario eat a masso or a trunk d’albero, è sufficient attivare Composer when the protagonist è nei pressi dell’oggetto and follow the stesse indicazioni scritte little più sopra.

How will I combine gli oggetti with the frecce

The creation of special frecce in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is very fast, given that it is enough I will have the taste to look with the bow (ZR) and, while Link stretches out the bow, I will also premutate the freccia its della croce direzionale: At this point, use the analog stick to swipe the right ingredients at your disposal and, when the cursor is on the oggetto that I saw of interest, you will have to walk all and taste at the right point of ZR. Ora non subtraction altro da fare che puntare la vostra freccia speciale verso l’obiettivo e fare fuoco.

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