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Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: how to import the horse from Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom It is a direct follow-up to Breath of the Wild, and in quanto such it presents numerous connections with the capolavoro of 2017, some of which are more tangibili. I ragazzi di Nintendo hanno dimostrato di tenere ai più piccoli dettagli permettendo di importare la vecchia cavalcatura di Link.

Just like its predecessor, Tears of the Kingdom also offers Link the ability to fence, tame, and care for horses in the land of Hyrule. It is not difficult to affect these beautiful animals, since Nintendo has thought of implementing a function that is approved by veteran gamers. importare la loro vecchia cavalcatura di Breath of the Wild in Tears of the Kingdom.

The procedure is very simple: it is enough possessere i vecchi salvataggi di Breath of the Wild sulla medesima Nintendo Switch impiegata per giocare a Tears of the Kingdom. The game automatically takes over the presence of the data in the archive memory, Rendering available the horse of Breath of the Wild, with its name and its personalization, press a qualsiasi stamp. Se all’epoca avete giocato su un’altra Nintendo Switch, now dovete assicurarvi di aver caricato i file di salvataggio sul cloud. Se lo avete già fatto, vi basterà effettuare il download dei dati sulla console attuale, making obviously ben attention to using the medesimo account.

As we have seen in our enthusiastic review of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the new exclusive for Nintendo Switch is rich in security and opportunity, for this reason on our page you can also find several other mini-guidesincluding “Come guadagnare Rupie velocemente”, “È meglio augmentare i cuori o il vigore?”, “Come sbloccare la Paravela” and “Come usare e quali sono le ricompense degli amiibo di Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom”.

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