BUENOS AIRES- The authorities of Argentina removed this Tuesday the solar panels that they had placed weeks ago in a military base in Patagonia, but that invaded part of the national territory of Chile, an issue that aroused criticism from the Chilean Government and reproaches from President Gabriel Boric. .

The military installations had the objective of controlling maritime traffic in the area by Argentina, but several of the solar panels placed to supply the Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post were placed by mistake about three meters above Chilean lands. .

More than a dozen soldiers from the Argentine Navy traveled to the site along with five workers from the company that owns the plates and also the one that installed them.

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Chile reaction

President Boric stated that he had already received an apology from Buenos Aires, “borders are not something with which there can be ambiguities and that it is a basic principle of respect between countries.”

Boric spoke with Javier Milei at the peace summit for Ukraine held in Switzerland to address this issue– and requested the removal of these solar panels.

At the end of April, the Argentine Navy together with an installation company placed these solar panels at the Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post in Argentine Patagonia, in the extreme south of the country, although some of them crossed the Chilean border by three meters. . In its apology letter, Argentina assured that they would remove the plates “as soon as weather conditions allow.”

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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