Ayuso breaks down when talking about the loss of her son and confesses what they called him

Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s life changed just a year ago. He June 12, 2023when I was eight weeks pregnant, The President of the Community of Madrid suffered an abortion of the baby she was expecting with her partner, Alberto González Amador. The illusion was drowned in the most painful way possible; so much so that, although she was forced to cancel her schedule until she physically recovered, The mental consequences, the affliction of that memory, still continue to plague his head.

Ayuso has sat down 100% unique to answer the questions of the Cuatro format reporters, showing an emotional transparency with his answers to the point that her sincerity has ended up breaking her. A few days ago she recalled the episode of her abortion in front of David Summers, from Hombres G. He now he has gone further. A 23-year-old young man wanted to know what he thought about motherhood. And Ayuso broke down with her own words.

I will always have you with me

I have been a mother for a few weeks, and I think it is one of the most beautiful things that has happened to me in my life. Very sad because I don’t know if you know that in the end I couldn’t, I lost him when I was 8 weeks, began his speech. Far from remaining in a brief response, with contained emotion but short words, she opened her heart fully: He didn’t have a name, he was very small, but I called him Manolito.

The son he lost, he says, was a source of good hope in his home. When everything went wrong, indeed, his life took a 180 degree turn.. We called him Manolito at home, we were very excited. I am always counting the time that he will have been with me, I think that he will have a couple of months left to be born and that he is not going to be like that.she explains excitedly, adding that the lesson learned from there is eternal because the sensation of presence she feels from her offspring is eternal: I think I’ll always have him with me, I don’t know, you’re a mother forever.

A year later things look different. Even though I have a bad time, it hurts me a lot in all aspects, I will always think about him a lot. I think it is the best thing that has happened to me, I think there is nothing more beautiful than giving life, having children and family, he reflects. In fact, this feeling transcends his own meditations and, he assures, jumps to his own political action and extends to the children who depend on his government. They are children in care, sick in hospitals… I have taken care of that part of wanting to take care of it, but of course, I would like to have one. It’s the best thing that happened to me.

If Ayuso extracts something from that, it is that there are teachings that always accompany those who internalize them; that pain is, many times, a new prism with which to observe the day to day. It is something that marks your life. I already count the years and months as before and after Manolitohe confesses, then sentences and summarizes, with the look of someone who has thought a lot about an episode, that it is about a life lesson.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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