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10 Haunted Hotels Only the Brave Guys Would Visit

Get ready to discover stories of ghostly apparitions and unexplained phenomena! In search of emotions and different experiences, some travelers have ventured into haunted hotels around the world. With ghost stories and unexplained phenomena, these locations offer a unique experience for the most fearless. If you’re ready for scares and chills, pack your bags and check into one of these 10 haunted hotels. Follow the trail!

Hever Castle, England

Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VII of England, spent her childhood in this castle, located in the village of Hever, about 50 kilometers from London. Transformed into a luxury hotel, it is reputed to be haunted by the ghost of Anne Boleyn herself. Performed by her own husband, her spirit is said to still roam the castle grounds, especially in St. Peter’s Chapel, where she used to pray.

There are reports of ghostly apparitions and supernatural experiences in the hallways and rooms as well.

Langham Hotel, Inglaterra

Situated in London’s fashionable Marylebone district, the Langham Hotel is renowned for its rich history and its reputation as one of the most haunted in the English capital. Built in 1865, it has a Victorian feel and has hosted many famous guests over the years. However, behind its lavish facade, there are reports of paranormal activity that have intrigued staff and visitors alike.

One of the most famous stories is that of the Man in the Pink Clothes. The ghost of a doctor wearing Victorian clothing is said to be seen on the hotel grounds. Inexplicably flashing lights, doors that open and close by themselves and even the feeling of invisible hands touching people were recorded there.

Visitors can participate in themed tours about the paranormal phenomena that occur there. Guides tell spooky stories and take you to the hotel’s most haunted spots.

Ballygally Castle, Irlanda do Norte

Originally built as a defense tower in 1625, Ballygally Castle was converted into a hotel in the 19th century and is considered one of the spookiest places in Northern Ireland. According to legend, it is inhabited by the spirit of a former resident, Lady Isabella Shaw, known as The Gray Lady.

According to the story, Lady Isabella was locked in one of the castle’s towers by her husband. She reportedly fell out of a window in a tragic accident while trying to escape. Since then, her spirit has haunted the halls of Ballygally Castle. She is believed to be a friendly and protective presence.

Guests and staff at Ballygally Castle report sightings of the Gray Lady and supernatural experiences, such as doors opening and closing by themselves, objects moving, and even gently touching people.

Crescent Hotel & Spa, Arkansas, United States

Originally conceived as an elegant resort, built in 1886, the Crescent Hotel & Spa has gone through different phases over the years, including periods when it was both a hospital and a college. However, they say that the presence of spirits lingers in the hotel’s premises. One of the most famous ghosts is that of Michael, a mason who worked on the construction of the hotel and who ended up dying in an accident. His spirit is often sighted and many report feeling a presence or hearing mysterious knocks.

In addition to Michael, there are other supernatural activities such as children’s laughter and unexplained shadows.

Banff Springs Hotel, Canadá

The Banff Springs Hotel in Canada has a long history of hauntings. Considered one of the most haunted in the world, the hotel attracts many paranormal enthusiasts. One of the most popular legends is that of Room 873. They say that in this room the murder of a family took place and, since then, spirits have haunted the place. Reports claim that it is still possible to hear voices and see unexplained apparitions.

Another spirit that is often seen there is that of a bride who died on her wedding day. Her spirit would still roam the hotel corridors dressed as a bride. Several guests claim to have seen an ethereal figure, felt a presence or even heard the sound of a plaintive cry. For more goosebumps, elevators that move without explanation, doors that slam on their own, and lights that flash.

Dalhousie Castle, Scotland

Situated about 13 kilometers from Edinburgh, this castle was converted into a hotel in 1973. Several chilling legends are associated with the place. One of the most famous is that of the Gray Phantom. That spirit would be that of one of the former owners of the castle, Sir Alexander Ramsay, who was brutally murdered. Visitors claim to have seen a shadowy figure in medieval costume walking through the castle’s corridors.

Another spirit that also appears there is that of a Gray Lady. She is believed to be the ghost of Lady Catherine, wife of Sir Alexander Ramsay. It is said that she wanders wistfully through the castle walls and gardens.

Hawthorne Hotel, United States

Salem, Massachusetts is a town known for its rich history and its role during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, when many women were accused and executed. The city is also home to the famous Hawthorne Hotel, considered one of the scariest hotels in the country.

Built in 1925, it has always been a landmark in the city. Various spirits are believed to haunt its premises, making it a popular destination for ghost story buffs. One of the most famous is that of room 325, where a guest named Alice mysteriously died. It is said that her spirit still haunts the room, moving objects and making unexplained noises at night. In addition, many employees and guests claim to have witnessed apparitions, strange shadows and the feeling of being watched.

The Hawthorne Hotel embraces its haunted reputation and offers paranormal-themed tours and events. Visitors can join guided tours, listen to chilling stories told by staff, and even spend the night in rooms known for their high paranormal activity.

The Stanley Hotel, United States

The Stanley Hotel became famous as the inspiration for the classic horror film “The Shining”. Legend has it that the ghost of its former owner, Freelan O. Stanley, still roams the halls. There are reports of doors opening and closing by themselves and laughter echoing through the night. Not surprisingly, several programs about paranormal activities have already been filmed inside the hotel.

Hotel Burchianti – Florence, Italy

With a history dating back to the 15th century, Hotel Burchianti is known for its haunts. Guests report seeing ghosts dressed in ancient costumes in rooms and hallways. Some swear they saw a woman knitting in the lobby and even a chambermaid waking up earlier than usual to clean the rooms. One of the rooms in particular, number 20, is famous for being frequented by a ghostly child who plays with dolls.

Close to Florence’s main attractions, the hotel was a favorite of artists who came to the city in the 1930s. Benito Mussolini also frequented the place. The classic decor, with heavy curtains, paintings and knick-knacks helps make it one of the spookiest in town. The Fresco room is considered the worst in this regard: a ceiling fresco “watches” guests all night.

Cecil Hotel, United States

The Cecil Hotel has returned to the public eye thanks to the Netflix documentary series “Crime Scene: Mystery and Death at the Cecil Hotel”, which shows the mysterious death of Elisa Lam, a young woman who stayed at the hotel, disappeared and had her body found in one of the water tanks in 2013. But the truth is that he has long been known for the many murders and suicides that took place there.

Since it was built in 1927, the hotel is supposedly cursed and once housed two serial killers who marked the history of the United States. One of them was Richard Ramirez, the “Night Stalker”. He would seek out victims in the immediate vicinity of the building or the surrounding blocks during the 1980s. After capturing them, he would torture, sexually abuse and kill them.

The troubled hotel closed its doors in 2017 after it was sold to hotelier Richard Born for $30 million. In the same year, the hotel was elected a Historical-Cultural Monument by the Los Angeles City Council and a major renovation and requalification project was announced, being transformed into a mix of hotel rooms and residential units, reopening its doors to the public in December 2021.

In addition to the disturbing images featured in the Netflix series, which show Elisa Lam running away from “something” or “someone” that does not appear in the image, guests who stayed there report strange presences, lights that turn on by themselves, voices, and knocks at the bedroom doors at 3 am.

Bonus: Hotel Yara, Brazil

Bandeirantes is located approximately 100 km from Londrina, in the Pioneiro North of Paraná. It was there, in the 1950s, that Domingos Regalmuto, realizing that the waters that flowed from the land of his farm had mineral and therapeutic substances, built a leisure complex: a hotel with capacity for 200 guests, a large thermal pool, a casino, as well as a landing strip for small aircraft.

Hotel Yara, as it was baptized, was very successful among Brazilians and people abroad. But after the suicide of the owner and his son, strange things started to happen there. Like doors and windows opening and closing without any wind, noises, taps opening by themselves in the middle of the night… And that’s how the hotel’s haunted reputation began.

Hotel was sold and over time it became decadent until in the 80s its activities were closed. Currently, a couple owns the plot of land where what remains of the hotel still stands. There is a restoration project to resume its activities, but for now, it is possible to visit the ruins of the place paying an entrance fee for the current owners.

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