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2023 Rugby World Cup: the reasons for Antoine Dupont’s withdrawal from France/Italy

The day after an appointment with his surgeon for a possible recovery, the verdict was in for Antoine Dupont. The captain of the Blues had to withdraw from the last group match of the 2023 Rugby World Cup against Italy. We explain to you why he will not be on the field on October 6.

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He will not return for the Blues’ next meeting for the 2023 Rugby World Cup. Antoine Dupont will at least be absent for the fourth and final group match against Italy, Friday October 6. A package that can be explained by one main reason. The fate of the captain of the Blues may have changed during this cursed 46th minute against Namibia. While the fate of the game was already sealed for the Tricolores, Antoine Dupont suffered a violent tackle inflicted by his opponent Johan Deysel. A shock of incredible violence, corresponding to the equivalent of half a ton.

Antoine Dupont forfeits for France/Italy: a maxillo-zygomatic fracture and a shock weighing almost half a ton

Leaving the Vélodrome with a disfigured face, the best player in the world in 2021 suffered a maxillo-zygomatic fracture. He had to be operated on at Purpan hospital in Toulouse on September 22 around 11 p.m. As a reminder, each person has two zygomatic muscles, which constitute the cheekbone. They help absorb shock but cannot always prevent the bone from breaking in the event of heavy contact. A professional club doctor joined by our colleagues from The Team ensures thata player can play again, in the best case, between 7 and 10 days after the fracture. In more troublesome cases, as is the case with Antoine Dupont, the injured person may therefore be arrested for several weeks.

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Rugby World Cup 2023: a quarter-final now compromised for Antoine Dupont

At any rate, the very probable quarter-final of France on October 14 or 15 seems compromised for Antoine Dupont. He found the France group on Saturday September 30 in Aix. He was notably seen on a bike or performing exercises with sensors to test his reflexes. Shots often filmed in profile, as if to avoid showing the extent of the facial trauma to which he was a victim. Freed from the concussion protocol, he nevertheless responded well to the different exercises. But his last stage point with the visit of his surgeon Frédéric Lauwers scheduled for Monday October 9 will determine the rest of the tournament for the French captain. Antoine Dupont must wait, and there is no guarantee that we will see him again with ball in hand for the quarter-finals…

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