3 delicious sciué sciué recipes to save with taste

Holiday leftovers are always high quality products that cost a lot, throwing them away would be an unforgivable waste. There are many recipes to offer, these are the best

It is a classic dish that allows you to recycle minced meat quickly and easily. The meatballs they are tasty and can be presented in different ways even with the same preparation. Because you just need a little broth, gravy and excellent oil Evo to obtain 3 different types of cooking. In the minced meat we should first put one or two eggs, breadcrumbs, pepper, salt and parsley. We can also grind a clove of garlicbut then it would be better to add del stale bread soaked in milk. In this way we could make garlic more digestible. Add the Parmesan and make the meatballs.

Meatballs are tasty and can be presented in different ways even with the same preparation

The meatballs are tasty and can be presented in different ways even with the same preparation

We can cook part of it inside a broth made of carrots, potatoes, celery, tomatoes, onion, basil and parsley. We could fry some of them with excellent oil. Later we could keep a number of them to eat fried after having salted them abundantly and a part from still cook in the sauce. We would have 3 different dishes with different tastes, smells and textures.

Non-bread sandwiches

Among the 3 delicious recipes sciué sciué we can make one that has the procedure similar to that of meatballs. It’s about the meat sandwiches. With the same mixture that we would like to use for the meatballs, let’s instead make thin meat mixtures to be placed in the oven paper. Let’s get over it ham and caciocavallo. The meat must be half a centimeter thick and the slices of ham and cheese must not leave space so let’s overlap them.

Let’s create another layer of meat with which to close the filling. Let’s make a nice square by equalizing the sides. Then we put the mixture in the bread crumbs. Cut it into 4 parts and place it in a pan. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Our sandwiches will be well cooked and with a drizzle of oil on top they will become even more appetizing.

Cut and chop carrots, onion and celery and fry with a drizzle of oil for a few minutes.

Cut and chop carrots, onion and celery and fry with a drizzle of oil for a few minutes

3 delicious recipes sciué sciué to save money with taste

If we are craving a creamy first course we could prepare the pasta Monte Carlo. Meat sauce with a little cream are the ingredients. Cut and chop carrots, onion and celery and fry with a drizzle of oil for a few minutes. Add the ground beef then salt and pepper. Let’s blend with the wine. We add the tomato puree and cook for 50 minutes. The ragù is almost ready. We add the cream when there are 10 minutes left of cooking time, therefore after having drained the pasta, the better trofie, pour them directly into the pan with the sauce. We finish cooking in the pan.

If we are lovers of pesto we could add a spoonful to enrich the flavour further. The secret of this dish lies in the mince. If you have leftover pork, chicken, veal or turkey, use them all to create a rich and varied ground meal. Savings and flavor will not coexist so well in any other dish.


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