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3 kilos more: Daniela Katzenberger shows her “food baby” after Christmas

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Christmas is traditionally feasted and rested. Daniela Katzenberger also struck over the holidays – and gained weight, as she now tells Instagram.

Daniela Katzenberger (36) really enjoyed it over the Christmas holidays. The blonde reveals this in her current Instagram story and shows her tummy to prove it. “So, dear ones. I have to show you something very briefly, ”she mysteriously announces in , video. She then lifts her shirt to perform a little joke and laughs out loud. “That was Christmas,” she chuckles. “My After Christmas Food Baby”.

Daniela Katzenberger clearly enjoyed the holidays (photo montage) © Screenshot/Instagram/Daniela Katzenberger

She just weighed herself and weighs three kilos more, she explained to her followers. Nevertheless, Christmas is a good time for her. She is of the opinion: “It’s worth it that you get fat from it”. The last time she had such a big belly was when she was four or five months pregnant with her daughter Sophia (7). “I’ll remember Christmas for a long time, wonderful,” was the summary of the reality TV actress.

“I escalated slightly”

A few days ago, Daniela Katzenberger said on her Instagram profile that she spent most of the Christmas holidays in the Black Forest. She and her family enjoyed themselves in a 5-star hotel in Bad Peterstal-Griesbach. She raved about the cozy atmosphere and a great wellness area. But she seemed to have particularly liked the culinary art, because she wrote: “And the most important thing: really great food (I’m slightly escalated)”.

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