35th edition of the ElBbronx Dominican fashion show

Surrounded by music and color, thousands of New Yorkers celebrated the 35th edition of the great Dominican parade and parade in the Bronx.

“Born here but my heart is there, one hundred percent representing my parents and the founding fathers of our country,” says Elizabeth Gutiérrez.

“Dominicans are happy wherever we are, we are always happy,” says Rafael Fabián.

Mayor Eric Adams and local politicians walked down the Grand Concourse from 176th Street to 167th Street.

Councillor Adriano Espaillat was also present at this important celebration.

“This is a great day here in the Bronx, where there are already more than 400,000 Dominicans who contribute daily to the economy, to social life, to the lives of all the residents of this great city.”

There were 20 floats, 73 vehicles, the city police band and dozens of folklore groups parading, displaying the diverse traditions of the Dominican Republic.

“Celebrating our Dominican identity is celebrating your roots, your customs… And we have to maintain that history for 35 years,” explains María Esquea, Presenter, Gran Parada Dominicana de El Bronx.

Many Dominicans came from different states and there were people from other countries supporting the community who took the opportunity to congratulate the Dominican fathers on their day.

“I love the Dominican Republic. I lived in Cristo Rey for five years and we are here supporting each other, so long live the Dominican Republic,” adds Puerto Rican Elizabeth Pérez.

“I want to send my congratulations today on Father’s Day to all those friends who are here and friends from Cachaca Torrez. I never forget my Dominican friends,” says Cacheca Torrez.

It is undoubtedly a celebration that unites thousands of New Yorkers in which everyone feels proud to be and honor the Dominican community that resides in New York.


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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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